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I didn't proofread this at all lmaooooo so if u find a typo.. no u didnt)
Author's POV:

She kept running, her lungs burning and her legs aching. Y/n had never ran this fast in before in her life. She stumbled slightly down the steps and continued fast towards the Hangar. Her gut was telling her head on that her children were here with Shaxx, finally safe and sound. She dodged past Guardians that were in her way and sprinted down the stairs of the Hangar. She skidded to a hault suddenly, tears pricking the corners of her eyes as she happily ran towards her two bundles of joy.

She collapsed onto her knees and brought them both into her arms as they yelled out for their mother in happiness.

Shaxx trailed behind them rather far, watching their wonderful reunion.

Y/n cried and held onto the twins tightly in fear of losing them again on the spot.

Cayde had followed Y/n into the hangar, he jogged up behind her moments later as Shaxx gestured him over. The exo trailed over to the large Titan, "You found them."

Shaxx nodded, "I couldn't find your Hunter. But I found remains of this." With hesitation, Shaxx revealed behind a cloth, the remnants of the Thorn. The infamous hand-cannon welded by a 'Hunter' driven into madness.

Cayde cocked his head to the side, he couldn't believe what was sat before him in the larger Titan's hands.

"No way.. but I thought.."

Shaxx shook his head in disbelief, "Hm, me neither."

The two Guardians both looked over to the three who were crying in joy and holding one another. Y/n was too lost in the moment to notice the two staring at her and her children.

Shaxx turned his attention back to the exo before him, "I advise you ask her children questions immediately. We need to know if that dangerous man is still out there."

Cayde sighed softly and rubbed the back of his hood, "I suppose so. Report those remnants back to Commander Zavala and Ikora."

Further on in the day, Y/n had settled in her room with her now sleeping children. She watched over them intently, afraid of losing them once again. Her mother's paranoia from birth had coursed its way to her again. The sun was setting outside her humble room and everything seemed so perfect again.

A knock at her door sounded and she jumped slightly. Getting up from her armchair, she rushed over to the door and opened it just a crack.

Cayde stood on the other side, his face plates morphing into a delighted smile the moment he laid his eyes on her.

She exhaled softly, instantly latching herself onto him for a warm hug.

"Thank you so much. For what you've all done for me."

Cayde was taken aback from her sudden actions. As soon as her children returned, she took them back to her room, feeding them and telling them about their father and how everyone had been treating her here. She was yet to tell them about Marcel and his alarming condition.

Cayde wrapped his arms around Y/n and held her close. He cherished every second he had holding her, inhaling her sweet scent. She pulled away, staring up at him.

"I've yet to thank Shaxx. He was the one who actually found them! And- and the Hunter! Did you both ever find out who the guy was? I owe him my life."

How ironic.

Cayde laughed softly, closing the ajar door behind her as he didn't wish to wake up the twins.

"No, we didn't, sadly." He lied through his teeth, glancing over his shoulder at the busy Speaker.

"Uh, how about a walk?"

Y/n pursed her lips, it took a long while for her to make up her mind as they stood there in light silence. Eventually, she sighed. "Okay."

She politely notified the Speaker of where she would be disappearing to and kindly asked him to keep an eye on the twins. She knew he would be too absorbed in his work to actually check in on them, but he complied anyways.

Y/n linked arms with Cayde as they walked. It was a cool summer night and breathing in the warm air left a satisfactory vibe in the mood. Y/n had a clear head for once. She was almost stress free, all that was left to do was hope that Marcel would have a stable recovery. Maybe for once things were beginning to work in her favour.

As the cool breeze ruffled Y/n's hair, she noticed her lingering smile on her face and how she couldn't disperse it. It's not like she wished to do so, it was refreshing to feel such glee after a long time of being without it.

"So, this is the first time I've seen you smile since I cracked any jokes." Cayde broke the comfortable silence.

"Oh, your bad jokes?" Y/n stifled a laugh.

"Gah! I'm hurt, Y/n! I'm truly hurt!" Cayde dramatically reacted as they both approached the slightly empty courtyard.

"All jokes aside, I'm extremely grateful for the hard work you've all done for me in the last week," Y/n's smiled widened, "you've all put everything aside for me and you'll all forever be in my favour."

Cayde approached the railings above the steps with Y/n and overlooked the city with her. "We're happy to help. Marcel won't have to wake up feeling worried about them either, now."

Y/n looked up at Cayde with wide eyes. "Do you think he'll wake up?"

Cayde stared back down at her, his optics blinking a few times.

"Y/n, there's no tell. I don't wanna give you false hope but I believe he'll be okay. He's a fighter.. it depends on his Ghost, too."

Y/n watched his mouth light up with every word he spoke. She felt comfort in the gentle orange hue that illuminated her unsure expression. For a moment, she felt hopeful. It soon faded once his words sunk in. Cayde had experienced many hardships in his Guardian life, Y/n couldn't doubt his wise words. She trusted him.

"I'm full of doubt. A part of me thinks he'll awaken soon and another part.. well, you know." Y/n lowered her head, tracing her fingertip over the worn railings.

Cayde sighed with a little smile. He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, which caused her to looked up at him. Her eyes beneath the moonlight looked so.. magical. The overwhelming thoughts of intimacy filled his mind; if they were spoken, it would be deemed as extremely cringey, for him anyways.

"Just keep that pretty chin of yours up. You gotta be strong.. for them." He gestured behind him, back down the hallway and round where the children slept.

She swallowed, clearing her throat and shuffling away from the exo.

"Look, I don't wanna cut this short but I seriously can't bring myself to stay away from the twins right now. I'm too paranoid."

A feeling of guilt and disappointment pooled in the pit of Cayde's stomach. He had no place refusing her to leave. "Alright. Well, you know where to find me." He smiled, showcasing finger guns and brining an undefeated grin to her face.

Y/n turned, hurrying off back down the hall and towards her room.

Cayde lingered for a little while longer. He leaned against the railing, thoughts of Y/n swirling around his mind uncontrollably. He couldn't help it, he was falling for her at this point and he hadn't felt this way towards someone for at a least a century. It was so surreal, a mortal human had stolen his heart and she didn't even know it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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