The Big Windup!

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Title: The Big Emergency

Shipping: Abe x Mihashi

Description: Abe gets a sudden, strange call from Mihashi.

WARNING: Abuse and mentions of rape and nasty stuff.

Mihashi's POV

I was running. Running like my life depended on it. Because it did. When my dad found out that I was gay he got extremely mad. I don't understand what's so bad about loving another guy. 'Abe. The one and only person that I love and want to spend the rest of my life with but my father doesn't like that I'm gay. Why did it have to be me? '

It was late at night and I could hear him running after me so I kept running until I reached a busy street full of people and weaved my way through the crowd, looking for a place to hide for a while. I kept looking until I found a park and hid behind one of the huge maple trees trying to catch my breath quietly enough so that if he passed by he wouldn't be able to hear me.

As quick as I could, with tears streaming down my face I pulled out my phone and flipped it open. I went to speed dial and clicked on Abe's number, putting the phone up to my ear waiting for him to answer for what felt like an eternity. Finally after awhile he picked up and said "Hello?" I started to sniffle. "Abe." I croaked and I heard him gasp.

Abe's POV

I was standing in the train heading home when my phone started to ring. I dug into my pocket, grabbing the phone and flipping it open. "Hello?" I asked. I heard sniffling and then I heard a farmiliar voice say "Abe." It sounded like he was crying. I gasped. "Mihashi? What wrong? Are you okay?!"

I heard quiet sobbing and really started to worry. "What happened." I heard him take a few gulps of apparently much needed air before he started to explain. "Abe. I'm scared. My father...he...he..." But before he finished I heard someone yell and a gasp before the line went dead. I started to panick. "Mihashi?! Mihashi?! What happened?! Mihashi?!"

I closed my phone and once I got home I walked to my bedroom and threw it under my pillow before flopping onto my bed. I put my arm over my eyes and buried myself in my thoughts. 'What happened to make him cry like that. He may have been quiet but I could tell that he crying way harder than usual. And what about his father was he so scared about? Plus why did the line suddenly go dead like that and who was that person yelling on the other line. I know it wasn't Mihashi. The man sounded really mad.'

I got up out of bed and turned off the light before going back and laying under the covers. "I hope he's okay." I whispered before going to sleep with these thoughts running through his mind.

Mihashi's POV

When I was about to tell Abe what happened I heard my father yelling at me "GET OVER HERE SO I CAN BEAT YOUR ASS!!!!" I gasp as he grabbed my phone and threw it on the ground and stepped on it. I started to scream as loud as I could so that someone would hear me but it was soon muffled as his hand covered my mouth and he tied my hands behind my back with a small cloth.

He started to push and shove me, making sure that nobody could see us and kept his hand tightly clamped over my mouth. He led towards the small meadow near the school and threw me to the ground. I landed with a grunt and then I looked up at him with fear shining through my tear filled eyes. He look down at me and scowled.

"Are you scared? Maybe you should have thought about that before you decided to be gay and disgrace our family." He said with clear anger in his voice. Then he smirked, making my eyes widen in fear. He then kicked me in the stomach and blood trickled out of my mouth. I tried to scream for help again but my father was at the ready and stuffed a dry cloth in my mouth before I could really do anything.

The dry cloth rubbing against my tongue made me gag but the cloth stayed in place as he continued to beat and abuse my body.

A Couple Hours Later... (Still Mihashi's POV)

He finally left, leaving me laying naked in the grass with blood and another liquid leaking out of me. As well as me still being gagged and my hands still tied behind my back. I was covered in blood, bruises, most likely had a couple of broken bones, and my throat hurt from screaming which didn't help very much in the long run thanks to the gag.

I very surprisingly, was able to stay concious during the whole thing and so when I was sure that he was gone I slowly stood up on my unsteady legs and sluggishy shuffled towards the baseball field. Once I got there I collapsed into the grass before wincing and turning on my side.

'I know that the baseball field is quite an open area and that in about 5 minutes or so the rest of the team will start arriving for morning practice and where I was laying I was bound to be spotted right away.That way I could get help. So I have to stay awake until someone comes. Hopefully they'll come soon because I don't think I can stay awake for much longer.'

Abe's POV

As I made my way to the baseball field for morning practice my mind wandered back to the phone call from Mihashi. I'm starting to get really worried. 'What if something bad happened?' I heard bicycle tires and footsteps behind me and saw that some of other team memebers were walking or riding their bikes behind me.

Once I got to the gate I looked in and saw something strange. It looked like someone was lying on the ground. My eyes widened in realization when I saw the person's hair. "Mihashi!!!" I yelled as I ran over to him and looked over him. What I saw made tears come to my eyes. He was on the edge of unconciousness, tied up, naked, covered in blood and bruises, but worst of all; he had a dried white substance all over his legs, chest, and thighs.

Abe knew as well as anyone wha had happened. 'He was raped.' He gently unties Mihashi's hands to reveal dark purple bruises where they had been tied and then he gently removed the gag, ignoring the shouts behind him. He heard someone run up behind him and then yell "Call an ambulance!"

He took off his jacket and wrapped it around Mihashi before slowly lifting him up onto his lap and staring into his half lidded, dull, clouded eyes. Tears streamed down his face as he asked softly "What happened? Who did this to you?" Mihashi head slightly tilted upward so that he was able to look into Abe's eyes as tears started to stream down his face as well.

"My father." He answered barely above a whisper and Abe started to sob slightly. "But why? Why would he do this to you? To his own son?" He lifted his hand and caressed my cheek with a bit of hesitation. "He did it because he found out that I was gay. He did it because...because...I love you." he said, his voice fading off as he lost conciousness and went limp in Abe's arms.

He could hear as the rest of the team rushed over to see what was happening and they gasped at what they saw. They saw a crying Abe holding a naked, hurt, and unconcious Mihashi. Then the ambulance came onto the field and asked to take Mihashi into the car. But they couldn't seperate Abe from him so they asked him to go along with Mihashi into the ambulance.

Abe carefully stood up wit Mihashi laying limply in his arms and steadily walked towards the ambulance. After everyone was in the ambulance they headed off towards the hospital. Abe was in the back holding Mihashi's cold, lifeless hand when one of the paramedics asked him "Sir, do you know what happened to him?" Abe nodded and started to explain with a grim face.

"As you can probably tell by looking him he was tied up, beaten, and raped. When I found him he said that he father did it because he found out that he was gay. He said he loved me, and then he fell unconcious." Abe said starting to tear up again. But he really couldn't help it.

The boy that he loved that had ended up loving him back, had gotten beaten and raped by his own father. And he didn't even get the chance to say that he loved him back. The paramedic gave him an understanding look and said "Don't worry. We'll do everythig we can to help him get better." Abe gave him a greatful look before looking out the window.

And let's just say that when Mihashi recovered, his father went to jail, and Abe told him that he felt the same way, they lived happily together for the rest of eternity. In life and death.

Thank you for reading and I don't really know what his father is like so I don't know if he's good or bad. Gomen if I made him bad and he's actually a good person. I just someone to kick off the plot of the story. Bye!

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