Junmyeon was the leader. If that was what the leader thought, then there was no way I was going to get support from anyone else here. I mentally cursed, although I knew he was right. I didn't want to be baggage, something else to protect while they're out in the field defending EXO with their lives. But that didn't mean I wanted to stay under house arrest, either. "Myeon, I get it. But I can't just sit here under house arrest not knowing what's going on. There's got to be some other-"

"If you get it, then just do it." He cut me off again, damn it. "I'm not taking any risks just for your own comfort, Y/N. You have your phone. You can call us. Or if you want to know something, then ask Chanyeol. This isn't up for debate." Before I could respond, Junmyeon stood up from the table, pushing his chair back. "You all know what you're supposed to be doing, so go do it. Sehun, we're leaving." Sehun scrambled to follow suit as Junmyeon brusquely shoved his chair back to its original position, turned on his heel, and strode out the double doors leading to their mafia half of the building.

Sehun stumbled to grab the handles of one of the doors, then apparently remembering suddenly that we were there too, he stopped and turned around hastily. "Uh, sorry guys." He gave us an apologetic smile. "I'll see you later. Good-" He was stopped short as the door opened suddenly and an arm pulled him through.

We all heard Junmyeon grumble, "Sehun! Let's go!" Before the maknae disappeared. A disturbing quiet filled the room as the doors swung shut. I noted the glance that Kyungsoo shared with Chanyeol. Jongin cleared his throat.


"Yes?" Both Chanyeol and Kyungsoo said at the same time.

"Ah, sorry." The younger man laughed slightly. "I meant Soo hyung. Shouldn't we, I guess...um..."

"Leave?" Kyungsoo finished for him. "Yeah. We have work to do. Come on." He and Jongin both stood up and headed out the doors, leaving me with Chanyeol. I shook my head lightly and stood too. I grabbed two plates from the table and started toward the kitchen.

"I'm going to start cleaning up." I called over my shoulder. Instantly, I heard the clatter of dishes as Chanyeol immediately began to help too.


Twenty minutes later, Chanyeol and I resided in the living room. We were both sitting on the couch, talking quietly as I helped him clean his weapons. Having nothing else to do, he had opted to take apart his two hand guns and clean it. I'd offered to help, and he'd had me sit beside him, and showed me how to clean the smaller one.

"Hey, Yeol?"

"Yeah?" The tall man replied, not looking up from the gun between his fingers.

I set the gun down on the small coffee table. "Do you ever feel like EXO is stifling?"

"Not particularly."

I tried a different tactic. "Doesn't it bother you when Junmyeon takes control like that though? I mean, we're literally stuck in here."

"No. He's leader. He knows what he's doing." A frustrated sigh escaped me. "But," Chanyeol set down his gun and stared at me, "it can certainly be annoying. Are you trying to get me to let you 'take a walk'? Alone?" He joked slightly.

I laughed. "Yeah, I guess. I didn't expect it to turn out like this. I feel like you guys shouldn't be having to do all this to get them back."

"Meaning?" Chanyeol raised an eyebrow.

"Meaning," I said seriously, "that Junmyeon should've just given me over to Bangtan."

Chanyeol put a hand over his face dramatically. "Can you just stop, Y/N?" He groaned. "Seriously. This is stupid. We've been over this way too many times, with me, with Baek, with Soo, with Myeon. It's enough. We are not giving you to them." He repeated with exasperation. "Neither Minseok, Baekhyun, Jongdae, or Yixing would've appreciated it if we had, let me just remind you."

I thought about it for a moment. Fair enough. "Yeah..."

Chanyeol shook his head again and stood up. I watched as his put each gun back together, every piece eliciting a 'click' as it slid into place. He latched both guns into their respective holsters on his waist. I stood too.

"Look, Y/N. I get it, okay? I do. But there's nothing we can do at this point. They clearly need you for some reason, and knowing them, it's nothing good. Even if we were to give you to them, there's no guarantee they would give us back whoever they have. So, as Junmyeon apparently was trying to tell you, get over it."

I smiled lightly. "Yeah, I guess." Chanyeol cleared his throat pointedly. "Got it." I corrected myself. "I'm going to go to my room."

"Right. I'm coming with, since I can't leave you on your own, not even here." Chanyeol said, following me out of the room. "Elevator or stairs?"

I eyed the stairs suspiciously. I didn't particularly feel the same energy as this morning, and that many stairs seemed daunting. "Elevator." I decided.

We moved to the elevator, Chanyeol punching the up button. The doors opened with that sickening ding once more, and we both stepped in. My tall companion pushed the button for floor (F/N). The doors closed, and we the rest of the trip to my room in silence.

As we walked down the hallway, I fumbled to find the key to my room, which was in my pocket. Chanyeol, with his large strides, made it to the door of my room a minute or so before I did. I paused in the hall, trying to remember which of the six keys on my keychain was for my room.

"Hey...Y/N?" Chanyeol called.

"Just a minute!" I responded as I triumphantly found the right key.

"No seriously. Get down here. Like, now. Its- OH MY GOD!" Chanyeol called out again.

My heart stopped for a split second. That didn't sound good. I sprinted down the hallway towards Yeol's tall figure in front of the doorway. I slowed, stopping beside him. What I saw made my knees weak. I brought a hand to my mouth in horror.


A/N OOF. This update took so much effort lol I kept trashing it tbh. But here we are, with a semi-acceptible update. I promise it gets more exciting from here. 

Too Much for Me (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now