There's something in the batter

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Matt: -pulls English muffins out of oven- Ohh these look amazing :'3

Midge: -skips in kitchen- Hey, Matt! ^^

Matt: -turns toward- Midge! :D Great timing, sweetie, have a muffin. -sets tray on table-

Midge: One date and you're calling me 'sweetie' already? ;D -picks up a plate-

Matt: -blushes and looks down- It's a free country, isn't it?

Midge: -sets muffin on plate- Now what is it we have here? ^^

Matt: -pulls off oven mitts- We have here my new homemade English Muffins!

Midge: Is that so? o:

Matt: I figured we needed to mix up breakfast selections a little bit c: Tell me what you think!

Midge: -takes a nibble of muffin- Hm..

Matt: -grins- You like it? :'3

Midge: Mm..Matt, where did you get the recipe for these? ^^'

Matt: Out of a cookbook! :D With some modifications to make it my own, of course. A little extra butter, some spices..

Midge: -covers mouth and chews slowly- I just..-coughs quietly- They don't really taste all that good.. ^^'

Matt: -tilts head- Like what? o: Like an old taste? Maybe the butter was past it's expiration..

Midge: N-No, nothing like that. -swallows hard- Mm ^^'' I think I'd just rather get store-bought ones. It's probably cheaper anyway. -sets plate down-

Matt: -mouth gapes open a little- don't like them? At all??

Midge: Sorry, not really ^^''

Matt: Let me see that! -grabs muffin from Midge's plate and bites into it- It's fine, what are you talking about?? It's supposed to taste like that, maybe you just don't like the taste of English muffins! They're not supposed to taste like regular muffins, you know!!

Midge: Matt, it's really not that big a deal. So your recipe didn't work out, no biggie c:

Matt: Excuse me? The recipe is fine, it's your taste buds that didn't work out. -sets muffin down-

Midge: I..I beg your pardon?

Matt: Midge, it's fine that you don't like the taste, but you don't have to up and say that I screwed up on them!

Midge: I didn't mean it that way, Matt, calm down.. o:

Matt: I'm perfectly calm! >:C I just get a little upset when someone insults my cooking!

Midge: -teary eyed- I-I wasn't insulting your cooking, I just think your recipe didn't work out!

Matt: Oh, yeah!? Who are you to judge?! You can't even make ice!! What do you know??

Midge: -hiccups- Well, if that's the only way you look at me, then forget it! -wipes eyes- I don't want your stupid muffins anymore, you can keep them! -starts to head out, but stops and turns around- In fact, you can keep all your stupid food, I'm done!! ;^; -runs off-

-outside/Alvin and Brittany under tree-

Brittany: -lies back in grass- Mm, isn't it such a beautiful day? ^^

Alvin: -leans against tree- Sure is. -closes eyes-

Brittany: I feel like I could do nothing but relax here. ^^

Alvin: -sleepily- Mm.

Brittany: -turns head to- Although I do have a little something else in mind ;D

Alvin: -breathes deeply- ..

Brittany: -rolls over on her stomach- You know, we haven't been alone like this in a while ;3 Either our siblings are around or we're surrounded by fans. -inches closer to Alvin- It's nice to finally have a quiet moment with you <3

Alvin: z..

Brittany: How's about making the most out of it? ;3 -peels Alvin's cap off-

Alvin: -stirs but keeps eyes shut- u.u

Brittany: Aww you're just so cute when you're pretending to be asleep ^^ - reaches over and kisses Alvin's temple-

Alvin: -peeks eye open- Mm? Wha..?

Brittany: -leans over Alvin, inching toward his lips-

Alvin: YUH!! O.O' -jumps back-

Brittany: -falls on ground- Ow!! -looks up at- Hey!! D:

Alvin: -jumps up to feet- What the heck were you doing?! -notices cap- Hey, give me that!! -snatches cap from Brittany's hands-

Brittany: I'm sorry, I was trying to give you a kiss ^//^ I didn't know you were really asleep.

Alvin: -sets cap back on head- Well jeez, you sure know how you scare the crap out of a guy to wake him up. I thought I was being mauled by Avril Lavigne! Ease up on the eyeliner, would you? -brushes off shirt-

Brittany: -sits up- Scare you? o.O What, you see your beautiful girlfriend looming over you and it scared you? -chuckles- And you call yourself a romantic xD

Alvin: HEY. -points finger at- I don't get it on with folks with they're trying to sleep! >:C

Brittany: -stands- Hey, I'm sorry I scared you, Alvin. -shrugs- Well now that you're awake, maybe we can continue what I was starting? ^^ <3 -leans toward-

Alvin: -shoves Brittany away- Hey, back off!

Brittany: -scoffs- What is wrong with you??

Alvin: I'm just not in the mood! Pfft, women just expect us men to be all like "yeh, bring it on, babe." It doesn't work that way.

Brittany: -rolls eyes- Maybe not in YOUR world. But in a real relationship world, we call that being totally normal if not a little bit healthy >.> -crosses arms- Maybe you just don't wanna kiss me at all!

Alvin: Maybe. I. Don't. -^-

Brittany: Oh my gosh, what a dork! I don't need this -storms off- I'm outta here!

Alvin: -sneers- Yeah, good riddance!

Brittany: -far off- Can't hear you over your deafening stupidity!!

Alvin: Whatever, who needs you! >:C -heads off-

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