(4) Standards

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Will's apartment was extremely nice, it had an amazing view from his front windows onto the motorway that you could look out for hours and not get bored. "Woah"

"The view? Yea, it's pretty mad" Will said, standing beside me, also looking out onto the motorway. "So. Your mum?"

"Oh yeah... I'm literally homeless until she's back" I nervously laughed.

"Everything's going bad for you today" Will joked. I nodded my head and sat on his couch, pulling my phone out and messaging my mum for the last time.

"I mean. You could stay here"

"Will no, I could never. You've already been far too nice to me and I've only met you today" I touched his thigh, smiling at him.

"Seriously, I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't ok with it" will told me, both of us waiting for Stephen to come out of the bathroom.

"It really would help me so much... But I don't know if i could" Stephen walked out the the smallish room half way through my sentence, yet I still didn't pay much attention to him as my eyes were still fixated on Will.

"Don't know if you could What?" Stephen asked me, sitting beside me on the couch, slightly making me move with his weight.

"I offered her to stay here" Will told Stephen, his face slightly lighting up.

"Well that's great news!" Stephen said, very cheery.

"She said no"

"Why did you say no?" Stephen asked me, slightly taken back. He sounded almost insulted 

"I don't know Will well enough to stay here. Plus, I could stay at Ayla's until my mum comes home"


"Honestly babe, it's going to be so much fun!" Ayla almost screamed over the phone. Screeching at the fact she was staying with her best friend for a whole week.

"I know! Let me just get my bags and that ready and I'll be over tonight." I told her, even though it was a phone call, I could still feel the excitement from her.

"Where are you just now?"

"I'm at a Stephen's friends house right now" I told her as I stood from my spot, pacing around the room waiting for the call to end.

"Do you want me to come pick you up?" She asked. I thought for a second then realised that would be helpful for me. "Plus I kinda want to see his friend... is he hot?"

I laughed a little. "Erm" I looked at will and Stephen from wills kitchen. "I'd say so"

"Well if you say so then probably not. We all know what your standards are like"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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