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I must have fallen asleep while Hunter was playing his guitar. I woke up with a blanket over my body. I sat up and saw Hunter leaning up against the wall near the window. His hands were covering his face and it looked like he was crying. I stood up and walked towards him, touching his shoulder lightly. He turned to face me, tears running down his face. I looked at him confused. He took a deep breath, "are you alright?" he asked me. I nodded yes. Then I went to look for the notebook, I found it under my laptop. I began to write, 'why wouldn't I be?'

"You were screaming in your sleep. I tried to wake you up but you just kept screaming." I just stared at him, I didn't know what to tell him.

"You didn't know, did you?"

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have told you, you look kind of freaked out."

I turned away from him and sat back down on the floor. I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out, just a whimper. Hunter walked over to me and sat down. "I have no idea what you're going through, but I honestly want to help you."

I grabbed the notebook again, 'I think you should leave now. please' Hunter nodded, packed his guitar and left.

I sat in the same spot Hunter had left me in for quite a while before getting my notebook from my backpack. I looked for the lyrics I had been writing, but couldn't find them anywhere. It looked like the pages had been ripped out. I was about to start panicking when my phone buzzed. I hoped it was Hunter but it wasn't it was Tristan. 'hey Caroline'


'how are you? haven't talked to you in awhile.'

'could be better. you?'

'haha still a girl of few words I see. I'm good. could be better, why?'

'yeah. long story.'

'I have time why don't we meet somewhere?'


'how about the Starbucks on main street? at around 4pm?'


                   ***4 pm***

I walked into the Starbucks, sitting down at a table in the corner. I saw Tristan walk in and order, he spotted me and walked over to me.

"Hey Caroline!" He said with a huge smile. I smiled back.

"Do you talk at all?" I shook my head.

"Oh. How are we supposed to talk then?" He asked. I pulled out a notebook and wrote, 'like this.' He looked at the notebook and said, "why don't we go somewhere more private so people don't think I'm weird for  basically taking to myself." I nodded, following him out the door. We drove to a place I wasn't familiar with. I looked at Tristan confused. But he just smiled at me. We got out of the car and walked to a good truck and ordered. We both got homemade macaroni and cheese, and chocolate milk. We sat at a table near the truck and ate our food. I looked at my phone and realized it was almost 6 pm. I finished eating and excused myself to go to the restroom. I came back and found Tristan sitting on his phone waiting for me. I walked up to him with a smile on my face, sitting down and finishing my chocolate milk. After I finished we went for a walk. I was starting to feel dizzy, so I grabbed Tristan's arm for support. He pulled me into an alley and I leaned against the wall and slid down to the ground. Tristan squatted down and put a hand under my chin to turn my eyes towards him. "Oh you poor, lost girl you should know better than to leave your drink alone with someone you don't really know." The smile appearing on his face looking very sinister.

"I'm so glad it's getting dark, so no one will see what I do to you." I tried to scream but the noise didn't make it out of my throat and I passed out.

ShatteredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora