Chapter 10

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He walked back to the motel, trying to get his head straight before meeting up with the rest of the pack, he just needed a little time alone to get his thoughts straight, everything had happened so fast, too fast, Stiles was alive and he was in that goddamn place and it was on him, it was his fault. He knew he couldn't make the pack wait any longer for the information though, they were probably going out of their minds, as it was he was still two hundred feet away from the motel when Noah came running out of his room towards Derek, the others already on his heels.

"Is he okay?" Noah demanded as soon as he got close enough to speak, inhaling Stiles' scent that was mixed in with Derek's. Derek didn't know how to answer that, Stiles wasn't okay, was so far from okay that it wasn't even funny, but he was strong.

"Let's go inside." Derek replied, they couldn't talk out here, just in case someone heard them or saw them or something. "We should talk privately." He explained when Noah raised his eyebrows at him. It only took five minutes for the whole pack to cram into the motel room, looking at him attentively, all of them sitting in silence and waiting for him to speak. He didn't even know where to start.

"You smell like Stiles, but, wrong, like he doesn't smell like the Stiles I knew anymore." Scott began and Derek shrugged.

"His scent when he was sixteen?" Melissa scoffed, "When he hadn't spent two years in a gladiator ring?"

"I guess." Scott admitted, "Is he okay?"

"He's," Derek paused, he couldn't say Stiles was okay, "He's alive." He let out a long breath, "He's quieter, harder, he told me he doesn't trust me." Derek winced as those words echoed in his mind and his pack tensed around him. "There's a plan."

"What do we need to do?" Lydia asked.

"Tonight, the final fight, when Stiles reaches the swords we need to cut the power."

"How?" Allison queried.

"There's a room, there's a door, Logan's box is raised above the rest of the colosseum, the door is under that."

"I've seen it." Isaac piped up, "There's a key card machine and a mirror on the front side."

"Mirror or one-way glass?" Danny suggested and Isaac shrugged. "It makes sense for it to be one-way glass, looking out onto the arena?"

"So we're assuming guards then?" Ethan said.

"Yes, two, inside the room." Derek explained.

"What happens then?" Braeden asked and Derek was going to have to talk to her, he could smell the jealously that had been wafting off her since the moment Scott had mentioned he smelled like Stiles, he couldn't deal with that right now, he'd talk to her later, after all this was over.

"I don't know. I tried to find out, but, he, erm, he doesn't trust me, and I asked about if it didn't work, did he have a back-up plan, he does, but he wouldn't share it with me, I, just, he doesn't trust me, I think he thinks that I'll betray him, so, he only told me the bare minimum, cut the power when he gets to the swords." Derek rambled, ignoring the flashes of pain across the faces of his pack, before Noah gritted his teeth and nodded tightly.

"So we do as he asks, we get the power cut." Noah said determinedly and Derek nodded.

"You were there for hours; did he say anything else? Talk about anything else?" Erica asked, Derek fought the urge to roll his eyes as Braeden's jealously flared, the wolves' noses twitching in irritation at the scent. Derek looked up at Braeden, meeting her gaze, wishing he wasn't doing this here but knowing it had to be done.

"They had cameras in the room because apparently, he's tried to escape too many times before, I couldn't exactly just talk to him. He'd also put up a fight before they got him to the room and they'd drugged him, it took him a couple of hours before he even recognised I was there." Derek explained.

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