Chapter 4

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They all knew the Alpha pack was a danger but when they went after Lydia it had shocked them all, it was only the fact that she'd screamed loudly, incredibly loudly, knocking Kali off her feet that had stopped them from taking her. By the time that Kali was back on her feet the other pack members at the school had run around the corner and apparently even Kali decided it wasn't a good idea to attack five teenagers where the rest of the students could see.

At present, they were sat in the loft, Lydia evidently freaking out even as Jackson put an arm reassuringly around her shoulder.

"You screamed and blew her over?" Noah asked arching his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Yes." Lydia said firmly. "But I don't know how, or why?" Peter cleared his throat and looked a little uncertain, Derek flashed his eyes at Peter who nodded and stepped towards Lydia.

"Before I died I bit you, it was a sort of spell, so that I could tie a piece of my soul to you and you'd be able to bring me back, an insurance policy if my plans didn't work. But, the spell didn't work because of me, it worked because of you. Of what you are."

"What am I?" Lydia asked.

"A banshee." Peter said abruptly, "At the time I wasn't sure if you'd have inherited your grandmother's gift, but I was crazy, I didn't care if it killed you or not, I just knew if it worked then you'd be able to bring me back and if it didn't, well, anyway. A banshee isn't what you think, it's not a harbinger of death, rather, you have the ability to know if someone is about to die, to scream for their deaths, sometimes even prevent it, and, you're more than likely going to be the one to find the bodies."

"That's why she found Sti..." Jackson asked, trailing off when Lydia tensed next to him.

"Yes." Peter confirmed, "But, you can also use your scream as a weapon, your voice as a weapon, that's what you did today, screamed, blasted Kali away from you, protected yourself."

"Why did they come after me?" Lydia queried.

"I don't know." Peter admitted, "Maybe they intend to try and weaken our pack? Go after the more defenceless members first?" There was silence, the wolves looking nervously at the human members of their pack and then at Derek, they couldn't lose anyone else, he wouldn't lose anyone else.

"Alright, until we manage to get rid of them, I want everyone to stick together as much as possible. Melissa, Scott, Noah, you're all welcome to stay here, Allison and Chris, the offer is extended to you as well?"

"We'll be fine, if they get into the house somehow then we've got enough weapons to wipe them all out." Chris reassured him.

It took another week before the Alpha pack finally slipped up, the Alpha twins, Ethan and Aiden, had been attending the school every day, they'd thankfully been absent when Kali attacked Lydia, Derek was sure things would have ended differently if it had been three Alphas against his pack. Aiden got detention and Ethan had hovered around the school for a while, obviously not wanting to leave without his brother, Jackson had decided to take advantage of that.

Peter had been teaching Lydia everything he knew about banshees, Lydia wasn't exactly pleasant with him, or even trusting, not after what he'd done to her, but, she pushed that aside in an attempt to learn, she'd excelled at it, as if Lydia could ever do anything other than excel. So, when Jackson and Lydia came out of the school a few minutes after everyone else and saw Ethan waiting nearby Jackson went straight for him.

"What the hell do you want?" Jackson growled and Ethan looked at him, then Lydia, nervously.


"What are you and your pack doing here? What do you want?" Lydia clarified, only slightly calmer than Jackson.

"That's none of your business." Ethan snapped.

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