Chapter 2 - 2008 part 2

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Hey guys! I am massively impatient so I won't wait for my first comment... Here is the second chapter written from the twin perspective.

That was amazing, exhillerating... No! It was THE most scariet thing I have done in my life.

My name is Liam Payne Smith. There may be some confusion because noone has ever heard of me but that will soon change! I was the twin baby which Liam Payne's parents detested. I beleve the exact quote was - "We only wanted one"

Enough about my background... That can be saved for a later conversation.

Finding out I had gotten through what I thought to be an impossible audition rattled me (not that I would ever admit that)

So Fly Me To The Moon was a hit audition song. Check. Bootcamp here I come

2 days later

Whilst singing my version of Your Song, I can only begin to describe the fears a fourteen year old like myself had. With Simon's hand raised I shakily made my way off stage. By then I already knew that I wasn't going through. Still, despite my instincts, I could not see a logical reason not to go through. There was hope!

Panic, desperation and fear are three strong emotions that a person can easily be crippled by and I sure was! When I heard that all important 'You're not through' I swear my soul broke into a thousand pieces. Who would break a fourteen year old's heart like that? Better yet, what fourteen year old what put themselves through this kind of let down? Oh, right. I did.

The shock of losing at this stage in the game scared me but what scared me more was when I got called back in to see the judges one more time! I mean, they had done enough right? Wrong!

(Play video)

What else can I say?! I am literally in tears. Twice I've been rejected - there's no way I am ever auditioning again.

The rest of my time spent in Barbados was rather dull as the horrific fact of losing sunk in. Thankfully, Carter was at the airport to pick me up... We resumed our holiday in England and flew back to Texas thinking no more about the X-factor.

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