Grizz and the Chocolate Cake

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One morning in the kitchen, Shelley was icing a seven-layered chocolate cake 🎂 when Grizz came in. "Is that a seven-layered chocolate cake I smell?" asked Grizz. He was going to touch the cake but Shelley hit him with a wooden spoon. "Don't you even think about it, Mister!" said Shelley. "I made this cake for Mrs. Crabtree's retirement party." "Is that the crazy lady who still thinks the world is flat?" asked Grizz. "No, that's Mrs. Crabapple, Grizz," said Shelley. "Is that the crazy lady who talks to cats?" asked Grizz. "No, that's Mrs. Crabcake," said Shelley. "Is that the crazy lady who thinks she's Marilyn Monroe?" asked Grizz. "No, that's Mrs. Crabgrass," said Shelley.  "Mrs. Crabtree is my boss. She's retiring after working fifty years in psychiatry." "Wow," said Grizz pouring a glass of milk. "How come I never met your boss?" "You have Grizz," said Shelley. "Remember last year at my office Christmas party? You poured ice cubes down her dress!" "They never proved that it was me!" Grizz protested. "Grizz, you were holding the ice bucket!" cried Shelley. "Well, after the way she treated you," said Grizz. "She deserved to get ice cubed!" "Anyhow I'm going to do some errands I'll be back to pick up the cake," said Shelley heading out the door. "And Grizz darling, no looking, tasting, smelling, or touching the cake." "Can I listen to the cake?" asked Grizz. "I'm serious Grizz," said Shelley. "If anything happens to Mrs. Crabtree's cake, YOU'RE GOING TO BE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH!" "Duly noted sweetheart!" said Grizz. As Shelley left, Grizz went to the living room and watched TV.  Several hours later, Shelley returned home. "I'm home Grizz! You wouldn't believe the day I've had!" Shelley said setting her purse on the chair. Grizz had his headphone on playing a video game. Shelley took off her husband's headphones and unplugged his game console. "Hey! What's the big - oh, hi Shelley when did you get home?" Grizz asked nervously. Shelley sat down on the couch and rest her head on Grizz's shoulder. "How was your day, sweetie?" asked Grizz. "I don't want to talk about it," said Shelley. "All I want to do is shove that chocolate cake down my boss's throat!" Grizz was shocked by Shelley's outburst. "I'm guessing that there's no retirement party?" asked Grizz. "The old heifer called off her retirement party! Instead, she's on a cruise!" said Shelley. Grizz hugged Shelley and said, "I have a confession to make. I canceled the party and sent that old heifer on a cruise!" Shelley was shocked by Grizz's confession. "I'm guessing that you ate the chocolate cake?" asked Shelley. "Yes, but only to save you from the embarrassment that Mrs. Crabtree is allergic to chocolate," said Grizz. "Oh, yeah I forgot about that one time her face broke up in hives!" laughed Shelley. "Does this mean that you forgive me about eating the cake?" asked Grizz. Shelley stopped laughing and said, "Did you at least save me some?" "Yes, I did. It's on the kitchen counter," said Grizz. Shelley went to the kitchen and saw the last piece of chocolate cake. There was a note next to it that read:

My dearest Shelley,
I know that you told me not to eat the chocolate cake and I'm sorry. But here are three reasons why I ate it:

1 You didn't make that seven-layer cake for Mrs. Crabtree, you made it for me.

2 Why would you bake a cake for someone who doesn't care about you? Especially someone like Barry's mother, Mrs. Crabtree?

3 I love you and it hurts me to see you so sad and miserable. How did I know that Mrs. Crabtree was your ex-mother-in-law? Mary your secretary told me.

Shelley, I love you from the bottom of my heart😍. And I will always be there for you.

When Shelley read the note, she went back to the living room and hugged Grizz. "Thank you, Grizz," said Shelley tearfully. Grizz gently wiped Shelley's tears and they both shared the last piece of chocolate cake🍰

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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