29. Deadly Discovery

Start from the beginning

"A movie night, hanging out, stuff like that."

"Sounds harmless enough. Of course you may go. Will anyone else be there?"

"Ned Leeds and Jack...," Harry fought to remember the redhead's last name. He had heard Michelle call him it when they had done the rope climb, and he snapped his fingers when he finally recalled it, "Russell. His roommate."

Mr.Spector visibly stiffened at the name, something dangerous sparking in his brown eyes. He shuffled through his pockets as he looked for his phone and clicked it on. A set of holographic images popped up, and he picked out a picture that looked like a student ID from a school in California. To his surprise, Harry recognized it to be the very person whose name he had just uttered, obviously a few years younger. Harry had thought he was really cool, and had wished to become better friends with him after getting to know him in gym class. He couldn't understand why Mr.Spector would have his picture.

"Is this Russell?" Mr.Spector asked, his tone calculating as he awaited Harry's response. The boy nodded numbly, still staring at the ID.

"His true name is Jacob Russoff, or Jack Russell as he now calls himself since he got away from me in California," Mr.Spector explained, looking attentively at Harry, "do you know him?"

"He's Michelle's boyfriend," Harry breathed, and the businessman frowned.

"Do you know anything else about him? You said he's Peter's roommate?" He pressed, and Harry forced himself out of his shock-induced daze.

"Yeah, but Peter can't know he's a lycan," the boy said, but Mr.Osborn was shaking his head.

"It would make sense though. If Peter works with Werewolf then he must play an active part in his housing. Stark probably arranged it. Have the lycan stick around someone his own age to avoid suspicion. It's a smart play."

"But you can't hurt Peter for just playing a role," Harry was starting to think that Mr.Spector would do anything to trap Jack, even go so far as to break into Peter's home and bring him down right in the middle of the living room. The last thing Harry wanted was for any of his friends to get hurt, "please tell me you won't hurt him at least."

"No harm will be done to your friend, Harry, for he's not the one I'm after. There will be a plan I will work out to safely ensnare the lycan."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief. As much as he had come to like Jack and no matter how Mr.Spector was planning to possibly kill him, knowing that Peter wouldn't be collateral damage made him feel a tiny bit better. Not a lot better, but a tiny bit. If he was being quite honest, Harry didn't really know how he should feel. He found himself fighting off the feelings of guilt and sadness that threatened to ruin his night. Maybe he should cancel his plans with Peter. He didn't even want to be in the same room as Jack Russell, the very person he had helped betray to someone that was actively hunting him. His conscience became more weighed down the more he thought of it.

"I don't get why you have to "ensnare" him at all," Harry pointed out, and Mr.Spector raised an eyebrow, "like, I've talked to the guy and he seems really nice, not a mindless killing machine. He saves New York all the time with Spider-Man. Doesn't that make him good?"

Mr.Spector pinched the bridge of his nose, heaving a sigh. "Son, that lycan has done things I can't begin to describe. When he first transformed in California, he nearly mauled his best friend to death. Every full moon, he would attack people throughout the state. And you heard of what he did when he came here. He can't be allowed to run loose anymore."

Harry remembered hearing about when Werewolf robbed an Oscorp truck which led up to him almost killing a few police officers in Time Square. Then, he had teamed up with Spider-Man to take down a reptilian Dr.Curt Connors, Mr.Osborn's old employee at Oscorp.

"Werewolves are conmen, Harry, and survivalists," Mr.Spector went on, "he'll play the role of the hero in order to stay alive, because having Stark's protection ensures his survival. As soon as that turns sour, he'll start killing. And who do you think he'll kill first?"

Thoughts of Werewolf destroying Peter's home and slaughtering him invaded Harry's thoughts. Mr.Spector was right. Jack must be playing some sort of game to stay safe. Hopefully the werewolf hunter would trap him before that game was up.

Mr.Spector must have noticed Harry's expression, which had turned from one of guilt to determined acceptance. He nodded his head, adding, "so when you go to your friend's tonight, you must not let in on the fact that you know his secret. For Peter's safety."

Nodded nodded in understanding. He was right, absolutely right. Peter was in danger, and it was up to Harry to make sure that lycan didn't hurt him. He was almost mad at himself for believing Jack's charm, which must be a facade to get people to like him and not suspect that he was actually a shapeshifting nightmare creature. As he turned to walk up the steps, he felt his fists ball up. Everything about Jack's cheery personality must be fake, and he must be playing "Werewolf" up to be a hero, just to fool everyone. This was someone who had hurt so many people, and Harry was happy that Mr.Spector wasn't going to let him get away with it any longer.

Protecting Peter was a top priority now, and Harry knew he needed to push him away from Jack, to get his friend as far away from him as possible. But how could he do that? Those two were pretty close, and being roommates, it would be hard to separate them. Maybe if Harry got Peter angry enough at Jack, he would disavow him and make him leave. But what could be done to cause that?

"But Harry, if I may ask one more thing of you," Mr.Spector beckoned, and Harry stopped again, turning to look over his shoulder at the man that was watching him. "It could prove to be vitally important in Russoff's capture, but I will need to know more to proceed."

Harry fully turned around. If there was a way to capture Jack without much disturbance, he was all for it. He would tell the hunter anything he wanted to know, or at least as much as Harry knew.

"It involves your friend," Mr.Spector began, and Harry tipped his head.


"No no no," the man shook his head and Harry could see a sinister gleam in his eye that exuded nothing but thinly-veiled maliciousness. The corners of his mouth turned upward slightly in a sly smile, and the word he said next made Harry very, very nervous.


Oooooh no. What am I about to do. What am I about to do, guys. I'm getting anxious just thinking about it.


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