Andre lyon

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Your POV

I am Andre's wife if 2 years. I am 8 months pregnant. I work at Empire. I am Hakeen's music couch. Today is my day off. I am watching TV when Andre walked in. "Hi babe." I said. "Hi babe." He said. He walked over and kissed my forehead.

He when down and kissed my 8 month old belly. I smiled. "I missed you." He said. "I missed you too." I said. It is around 8 pm. I am really really tired. Me and Andre when to bed. Andre had his arms around me. But ever so often I get pain in my stomach.

I got out of Andre's arms. "Babe?" He asked. "Go back to bed I need to us the bathroom." I said. "Ok." He said. I got up using the nightstand and grabbed my phone. I when to the bathroom. I sat down.

I felt pressure in my lower abdomen as my stomach hurt more and more. I felt a pop. "Oh no. ANDRE!" I yelled. I put my hand on my stomach. He ran in. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I think my water broke." I said. "Ok I got you." He said.

He helped me get into some new clothes. Andre called the driver to get us to the hospital.  Andre tryed to call his mom and dad, but nothing. His brother's nothing. I tried calling my mom case I have no siblings and I don't know my dad. I got nothing.

Once we got to the hospital Andre helped me into the  hospital. I had to wait for a room. I feel the baby move down. I gasped. Soon a room opened up and I got it. The doctor said I had to give birth. I nodded.

~after you gave birth to a boy~

My baby boy was on my chest. Then  Andre's mom and dad walked in. "Hey sweetie how are you feeling?" Cookie asked. I gave a small smile. "Like I got hit by a truck." I said.

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