Chapter 1 - Second Coming of the Demon

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Mei's Pov

"Water Style: Hidden Mist Jutsu." I release mist, from my mouth, creating a thick fog.

"Really Mei? Is the hidden Mist Jutsu the best you can do." I hear a voice say. "If that's the case your in for a very terrible time." The voice echoes all around me. "As much as the i like this Mist I would much rather you see what's coming at you. Wind Style: Supreme Typhoon." A powerful gust of wind blows the Mist away raveling a guy with (h/c) hair, A (f/c) jacket, a small scroll on the back of his right leg, a sword placed horizontally on his lower back with the handle on the left side, another sword placed diagonally on his upper back with the handle just above his right shoulder, and three Kunai on his left leg. The guy bites his finger, and places it on the scroll. "Summoning Jutsu!" The guy makes the tiger hand seal. "The Executioner's Blade, Kubikiribōchō." A giant knife like sword appears in his hand.

"So you are already using one of the swords." I huff. "Fine. I guess I'll just have to go all out to. Lava Style: Lava Monster Jutsu." I spew lava, from my mouth, at him, And he laughs a little.

"Classic." He stabs the tip of his sword into the ground. "Earth Style: Mud Wall." A wall of rock, and mud block my lava, but the lava soon starts to corrode the wall, but before I can use my Jutsu again the guy lunges at me, and tries to hit strike me with his sword. But I duck his strike, and stab him in his stomach, with a kunai, only for him to turn into a puff of smoke. A clone, but when did he switch places. His sword hits the ground, and disappears in a puff of smoke. "Summoning Jutsu: The Lightning Blades, Kiba!" The guy appears behind me, and tries to stab one of his two swords into my back, but I dodge him, and kick him in the head only for him to disappear again. Damn another clone. Four versions of this guy appears around me, and each one bites their finger and places it on their scroll. Only to follow it up with the tiger hand seal.

"Summoning Jutsu: Explosive Blade, Shibuki." A sword with a blade side, and a scroll like side, appears in the guys hand.

"Summoning Jutsu: The helm splitter, Kabutowari." A sword comprised of an Axe and a hammer, tethered together, appears in one of the fours hands.

"Summoning Jutsu: Longsword, Nuibari." A needle like sword appears in the third ones hand.

"Summoning Jutsu: The Great Twin Blades: Hiramekarei." A flat sword, with two handles, appears in the final ones hands.

"Four swords this time?" I spin around, looking at the clones trying to figure out which one is the real one. "I guess only one why to figure this out." I make a hand seal. "Water Style: Water Bomb Jutsu!" I spew water, out of my mouth, as I spin hitting all four of them. With each of them, and their swords, disappearing in a puff of smoke. Clones? Where is the real on.... behind me! I turn around and block a kunai. "Lava Style: Lava Monster Jutsu!" I release a large amount of Lava from my mouth, and it flys towards the guy.

"Summoning Jutsu: the Strongest Blade, Shark Skin, Samahada!" The real guy summons a sword with shark fin like scales, and a mouth at the top of it. He slashes at my attack, and my lava covers his sword, and instead of my lava corroding the sword the lava disappears, and the scales on the sword begin to shake a little. "I guess Samahada likes the taste of your Chakra."

"If I'm not mistaken this is the first time you've ever used that sword against me."

"You're not mistaken. normally I would have beaten you without the need for my swords, but you've gotten stronger in the past four years."

"So have you (y/n)." I weave a hand seal, and (y/n) does the same. "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" I release water from my mouth, and it forms into a dragon and flys at (y/n).

"Water Style: Super Exploding Water Shockwave!" (Y/n) spews a large amount of water out of his mouth, and the crashes into the ground in waves. "Now get ready for my ultimate Jutsu." (Y/n) fuses with Samahada, and he gains shark like features. "Water Style: Water Prison Shark Dance Jutsu." The water (y/n) summoned gathers, and forms into a giant water dome. I need to get out of here now. I try to swim towards the edge of the dome, as I hold my breathe, but (y/n) swims in front of me, and as he does the dome follows him. (Y/n) draws his arm back, and I brace for the punch, and he thrusts his arm forward, only for him to barley connect with my shoulder. Samahada, and (y/n) unfuse, and the water dome disperses. "I win." (Y/n) says as Samahada disappears in a puff smoke. "That makes the score eight to zero." (Y/n) creates a zero, with his hand, and points at me with his other hand. (Y/n) then begins to laugh before I hug him. "Mei?"

"I've missed you. I haven't seen you since Yagura sent you on that S - Rank mission."

(Y/n) hugs me back. "I've missed you two."

I hear a cough behind me, and I turn around to see Ao looking at (y/n) and I. "Lady Mei. The elders would like to see you. (Y/n) welcome back. I'm sure The elders would also like to speak with you."

(Y/n) and I follow Ao, back to the Mizukage's office where we meet with the two village elders. "Mei thank you for coming." The old man says as we walk through the door.

The elderly lady looks over at (y/n), and she cracks a small smile. "Would you look at that, the second Demon of the Hidden Mist, (Y/n) Hōzuki has returned.

"And at what a perfect time to." The man says. "Ao would you please step out into the hall?"

"Yes sir." Ao walks out into the hall, and the elders turn their attention back two the two of us.

"(Y/n) it's been a long time my boy." The man says to (y/n).

"It's good to see Gengetsu's boy is still alive." The women says. "I still remember when you were just a mere child still naive to the ways of the ninja world. So full of energy."

"So why did you request to see me?" I ask.

"We've come to a decision, on who the fifth Mizukage will be." The man said.

"But first I'd like to hear, your idea of this grandson." The women gets up, and whispers in (y/n)'s ear.

(Y/n)'s eyes light up, and he grows his smug grin, he had when we were children. "That's a great idea, granny Hozuki."

"Great then it's settled. Mei Terumī, you are the Fifth Mizukage." My eyes eyes grow wide.

"I'm the fifth Mizukage?"

"Yes, Lord Fifth." (Y/n) bows his head to me. "Can I make a request?"

"What would that be?"

"I'd like to be your personal body guard."

"Really?" I feel my cheeks starting to get a little red.

"Yeah, at least this way I don't have tp go on anymore four year missions." (Y/n) laughs.

I clench my fists. I should, I'm gonna, urgh!!! "That is a splendid idea."

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