I'm Sorry

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<Piper's POV>
I jump up and walk as fast as I possibly can (without getting yelled at by CO's) towards the exit and grab Alex's hand on the way out. I glance back her and notice how her black framed glasses perfectly fit her face and how each of her features are so gorgeous. She tries to tear away from my grasp but I just tighten my hold. "Stop it!" I say "We need to talk."

<Alex's POV>
Why does she have to do this? Why now? Why can't she wait until I'm in tan so there's a lot less attention directed towards me? She says we need to talk. What is she going to say? 'Oh I'm sorry I fucked up. I put you back in here but it was for you.' No she did it for her own needs. She just couldn't bear being alone. Well I didn't feel too bad for her. At least she had her mom. We finally arrive in the chapel. I swear to fucking god if she tries to make a move on me in here I will probably punch her. All she does is place her hand on my chin, forcing me to look at her and says "I'm sorry."

Authors Note: Hey guys I'm trying to get into it more but I don't exactly know where I'm going with the plot so some ideas in the comments would be amazing. Also give me feedback, tell what you think!!!

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