Back in Orange

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<Alex's POV>

Piper tried to call my name but I just ignored her. How could she expect everything to be all good after she helped turn me in? I know she told. I didn't tell anyone but her. I trusted her. She's the love of my life, was anyways. How could I be in love with an asshole who turns in her girlfriend? This is all such bullshit. Sure I kinda screwed her over back in Chicago but she should've been happy for me getting out and just should of let me skip town to avoid getting killed. She is so fucked up. She must of wanted to see me in this damn orange again.

Authors Note: I decided I'm gonna mostly do shorter chapters but update a lot. Thanks for reading and please comment and give me feedback and suggestions. I promise it's gonna get better. I'm just kinda introducing the plot right not. Thanks!

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