Chapter 3: The End of the Beginning

Start from the beginning

“I would not go that far,” he objected good naturedly. “Come. Drop your packs off.”

She stuck her tongue and walked into the darkened entry. Eve did as he asked and soon they were on their way to the fairgrounds proper. Lilting music floated through the air, and a single feminine voice lifted up above all the rest.

Finno paused. “Is that?”

“Elemmírë,” Nelyo grinned, turning to face Káno. “Why yes it is.”

“No, Nelyo.” Káno shook his head. “I know what you're thinking. No.”

Eve grinned. “But-”

“No.” Káno walked away, not leaving the prospect of his and Elemmírë's non-existent relationship up for debate.

Eve pouted. Finno laughed when he saw her and grabbed her hand. “Do not worry. Nelyo shall get them together. Someday.”

“We've got forever, after all,” Nelyo agreed, watching his brother walk off.

They made their way the bakers’ area. Pies of all sorts and sizes lay out for people to sample. Eve and Finno both tried one that reminded her of blueberry, while Nelyo ate peach.

“So where’s your brother?” Eve asked Finno as they sat at a picnic table beneath some leafless trees.

He chuckled. “Which one?”


Nelyo smirked and pointed. “He's over there.”

They all turned to see an elf a few inches taller than Finno coming over to them with an entire apple pie in his hands. His eyes sparkled the same grey as Finno, and he wore blue and grey and white.

“Arakáno,” Nelyo smiled and grabbed the man’s arm in a handshake. “So nice of you to join us.”

Aro laughed. “Hello cousin. Brother. Eve.” He sat down next to him brother’s beloved.

“Hey, kid,” Eve hugged him as they sat. “How are you doing?”

“Wonderfully,” he offered Eve a slice of his apple pie. “How about my brother? Is he treating you well?”

Finno scoffed and grabbed himself a piece of his baby brother’s pie. “Perfectly.”

“Like a gentleman,” Eve assured Aro with a laugh.

With a chuckle, the youngest child of Nolofinwë handed Nelyo a piece as well. Suddenly he ducked as a voice rose above the crowd. “Don't let her see me!”

“Who?” Eve asked in confusion.

Finno smirked as he recognized the voice calling his brother. “Irí.” He stood and waved to his sister. “Iríssë! Over here!”

“You fiend.” Nelyo cackled as Aro went to smack his brother. But Finno was too fast.

Iríssë smacked her younger brother on the arm as she reached their table. “That is my pie. What are you doing giving it away?!”

“Sorry?” He tried unsuccessfully.

Irí glared. “I miss when you were but a child.”

With a grin that could challenge even Finno for the cross between pathetic and charming, Iríssë reached over and cut herself a piece. With a harumph, she sat down beside her eldest brother and began eating.

They spoke for awhile while devouring the pies they’d found. Eve spoke fondly of the next day, when Lord Manwë himself would cause the first snows to fall. Finno decided not to tease her this time, instead watching her with a loving smile as he enjoyed the way she found joy even in this small thing. Not for the first nor the last time did he praise himself for giving her the name Elmendë. For not only was she a wonder, but she found wonder in all.

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