Chapter 12: Hiccstrid Overload

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It's been over a week and all Siv has been doing is hanging out with Astrid! I never knew that they were so close and I never expected them to be so alike. We needed to head back to the edge. It's been a long time since we've been home and the gang (except for Astrid. We didn't get her opinion yet, well, couldn't) has been talking about going back for a little while, since they can't have anytime to hang out with their visitor anyways.
So today I told the gang to meet me at the arena to tell them to pack up all their stuff. "Ok gang...wait, where's Astrid?" I looked around before I noticed everyone giving me the 'are you kidding me' face. "What?". "Well Hiccup, it's pretty obvious she'd be with Siv again. She hasn't talked to anyone except for Siv. She hasn't even talked to you for over a week and your her boyfriend! Have you even TRIED talking to her about this?" Snotlout said. I looked at the ground feeling upset with myself. I really hate to agree with Snotlout but he's right. I haven't had any time with Astrid in quite some time now and I wasn't happy. Just at that second, Astrid flew in on Stormfly as fast as she's ever gone with one of the happiest smiles on her face. She was laughing, and me and the gang heard someone else laughing too. Siv was also on Stormfly. They got off of her and walked towards us. "Ha, sorry guys, lost track of time". Everyone was staring at them. "Anyways, gang tomorrow we're going to head back home to the edge, so pack up all the stuff you want to take home and we'll be on our way back first thing in the morning". Everyone started heading back to their houses except for Astrid who stayed at the arena to get Stormfly saddled up by morning and told Siv that she would be home soon and sent her to her house.

Me and Astrid were the only ones there, and there was silence for a little while. I started walking over to her to break the silence. "Astrid," she turned around to face me."I know what your about to say Hiccup, and I'm sorry. I'm really sorry I never spent anytime with you this past week. I would keep trying to go see you but Siv would just keep hogging me up, away from you so I could spent it with her and not you. She's really fun and awesome to be around, she just needs to work on when to let other people hang out with her instead of being friends with just one person. Please Hiccup, I'm telling the truth". "Astrid, of course I believe you. I just wish you would spend more time with me like before that's all". Astrid started at my eyes and then looked up at the sky. It was night, all the stars were out and their was no one around except for our dragons which fell asleep already. She looked back into my eyes as I gazed back into hers. "Where did we leave off last week anyways?" She asked as I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I leaned in to kiss her for the first time in a little while. Even though it's only been over a week since we last kissed, it felt like torture. She put one of her hands on my cheek as we continued kissing on the ground of the arena and it felt amazing. We left the dragons at the arena and locked the front door so their safe while I picked Astrid up and went to my house to continue where we left off. My dad was out on another business trip so Gobber agreed to handle the village while he was gone since I wasn't interested. We went up to my room and sat on my bed. "Hiccup, are you sure you wanna do this? We have to be twenty and engaged to even be allowed to do this" She said to me as I looked at the ground and then back at her. "Well, it's your choice Astrid. I don't wanna make you do something that you don't wanna do. I'm just saying that we are engaged and I turn twenty in a week and you turn twenty in about a month. But it is your choice. Whatever you want to do". She smiled at me and kissed me passionately for a few seconds. "I'm ready". We made love for the first time that night and it was incredible. In our tradition you would have to be at least twenty years old and married or engaged to do this. But like I said, we're both going to turn twenty in less than a month and we'll both have the privilege to make love legally. I never break rules but the more I think about it... this one time was worth it.
The next day, I woke up Astrid and helped her pack for our trip in about an hour to go back home. Siv planned on staying in Berk for a few more days before planning to head to dragons edge to pay us a visit. Me and Astrid were pretty much smiling the whole morning and the gang were behind us all confused while we were flying back home.

These two are acting way to weird today. They were smiling too much. "What's up with you guys today?" I asked them. They looked at each other and then back at Me. "Nothing" both of them said and then turned back around. They flew a little farther ahead of us before Snotlout made a barfing noise. "What?" I asked him. Fishlegs and Snotlout looked at me. "I think these two did some dirty stuff last night" Snotlout said. I started picturing things in my mind and did the same barfing noise as Snotlout did. "Come on you two. It is kinda gross to think about, but it is called making love is it not? And besides, even though it's not fully legal yet, they are turning twenty before anyone else in this gang and Berk" Fishlegs said. I scoffed. "Oh yeah! You picture it". Everyone expect the two lovebirds (since they were too far ahead of us) started laughing. Finally! We're going home!!

That's all for now! I couldn't think of a cliffhanger, but I am excited to post the next chapter since it's gonna be quite dramatic if I do say so myself😈😂. I'm feeling a little better but I'll get over this cold soon. This feels weird too actually. I have a cold in the summer. Anyways, have an awesome week guys!! 👋🏻

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