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I woke up in my small and dark room. I hear yelling outside my room. Than I hear loud footsteps leading to my room, than a loud banging on my door. "Hey bitch! Get  up its time for choosing ceremony!" that was my dad. He abused me since I was six. My mom died a week after I was born, and my dad blamed me for it. 

He told me things such as how I am worthless, trash, how I should have just died and that none will ever love me. I tried for a long time to ignore it but in the past 2 years I started to listen to it. things like how I should die and how I am worthless. I let him hit me thinking I deserved it. But my aptitude test came out as dauntless. which is perfect because than I can be strong and never be vulnerable or attacked again. Than I hear his loud and intimidating voice yell through the door, "Hey! You fucking bitch! Get your ass up and let's go!" He yells. I flinch at the sound of his yelling. "I-I-I'm coming..." I say quietly but loud enough so he can hear me. "well than unlock this damn door!" I rush up and unlock the door only to get a hard slap on my face enough to make me stumble back a bit. I touch my check where I was hit and wince at how bad it hurts. 

He left my room and I got changed in the Amity clothing. I put on a yellow tank top with a red long jeans and brown boots. I looked in the mirror. 'I can't believe I'm in Amity the faction of peace but yet my life is a living hell and my dad is not helping that get any better...' I think to myself. I slowly creepy out of my room to see if my dad is outside but to my luck he is on the couch drinking a beer and getting drunk like always. "finally your done..go get to the bus stop than go to the choosing ceremony place and pick your faction okay!" My dad more of yells than tells me. 

I  walk out to door and feel free, I'm out of that hell hole called my "house". I walk down the dirt path I have gone down a thousand times. I wait at the bus stop, I can't wait to go to dauntless and learn to fight and win them hopeful. The bus picks me up and I get in and find a set by myself in the back. The bus is full of other 16 year old going to the choosing ceremony. I stare out the widow and space out until the bus comes to a stop and people start getting off. I get off last and thank the driver. I walk in the big room and sit with the other Amity.

 After about 20 minutes my name got called. "Amber Ives" I slowly get up from my set and take to knife and cut my palm with easy. I put my hand over the burning  coals  and let the blood drip down into it. The second the blood drips dauntless start cheering and chanting my name as I walk over the sit with them. A couple people come over and welcome me. "hey Amber my name is Uriah! Nice to meet you"  Uriah says in a friendly tone and a big smile. "Hello nice to m-meet you Uriah" He just laughs. I get all embarrassed and look at the floor "I'm sorry...I-I s-s-stuttered..." I look down at my hands and mess around with my fingers. 

"It's fine Amber, come on we go to get to the train! hurry up" Uriah nudges me than we both run out of the building.  we see a train speeding towards us. "we have to jump on that...?" I ask. "yup...we got to jump or we are going to miss the train. Don't think just jump!" Uriah says to me before he takes a running jump into the train. Don't think just jump. and like that I take a running leap of faith hoping I don't fall and die." HaHa! I'm not dead! boom take that life" I kinda mumble but somehow Uriah hears it and laughs a bit. "What? I might have died..." I put my hand on my forehead acting all dramatic. He laughs at that. "Wow...you're soooooo funny..." he says sarcastically and he keeps and laughing. 

The train slows down a bit. "time to jump off Amber" Uriah tells me. "Oh what ever will I do...?"  But before he can say anything I jump off and land on my feet. I throw my hands up in triumph. than Uriah lands next to me to he stumbled a bit and falls but gets back up and acts like he did not just fall. "Nice job on the landing sir..." I give him a hand and help him up. "shut up..." he looks around to make sure none saw him fall but none cares. 

this guys named Eric tells us we have to jump into this dark scary hole. he asks how will jump first and none specks. I step towards the hole. "Oh seems we got a Amity first...well than...get to it.." Eric says in a low intimidating voice.  I stand with my feet on the edge of the pit and my back facing Eric and my front facing the other people. I do a back flip into the dark pit.

I fall for what feels like forever than hit something hard one my back than I bounce up a little bit than I stop and some guy helps me off the net. "I'm four...you are...?" The guys with the name of four. "Amber..." I tell him. "First jumper Amber" Four yells some where behind him. Soon after everyone jumps we get split into groups, dauntless born and transfers.

 "As you know I'm Eric and this is Four and we will be the instructors for the transfer and for the dauntless born go over in that line and your instructors will tell you what you need to know." Eric tells us.

A/N!! hey guys this is the first chapter and I loved making it and this story! this took me 3 hours to make but it was worth it. it is 1112 words as of me finishing the story part. well than you...I'm going to get some seep, it's 12:45 and last thing I'm going to try and get out at lest one or two chapters a week. thanks and good night!!!! bye guys!

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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