The Bow of the Ancients: A bow with powers beyond our understanding containing several different enchantments.

Explosive arrow: Every arrow you fire will explode.

Void: Offer up your enemy to the demons of the void.

Volcano: Hell, fire has nothing on the fire that comes from deep within the earth.

Storm: Release the fury of the storm upon your enemies.

The Hunt: Release the hounds! And let them tare your enemy to pieces.

I gave a mischievous smile and swiped the bow off the wall and escaped with it sitting nicely in my inventory.

"He's so going to be pissed." I snickered as I quickly escaped the house.

I made it home and Joe was still doing his thing with his whore I closed my door and used the lockpick to lock the door again. As soon as the door was locked I heard her scream meaning they were done. I quickly slipped into bed and closed my eyes. I heard him say goodbye to his whore and go back to his room to sleep. I slipped out of bed and went to the blank wall and whispered Void Shop.

The door appeared in front of me and opened I walked through and came out to the smiling face of the shop keeper.

"Welcome back is bean a while how did you enjoy your purchase's?" She asked me.

"Well I haven't used the books yet and haven't used the BL virous yet and I already traded the sword for one I can use but other than that it was great!" I replied. "Any changes in the last two years I should know about?"

"Why yes there is. We have added a new expansion to the store and we now allow people to travel to other worlds as long as some one from that world agrees to let you tag along." She replied with a smile.

"Thank you I will keep that in mind but right now I want to go to the roulette weal I'm hoping for some high-class arrows." I said walking past her.

"Ok enjoy and good luck." She cheered me on.

I simply rolled my eyes and went in front of the aria for the roulette. The screen popped up and I pressed the free spin button. When it stopped it stopped on exactly what I wanted.


You have received the bottomless roulette quiver. Reach in what do you get no one knows.

Note: works with enchanted bows and takes on its property as well as their own.

I didn't know whether to smile or frown. On one hand the effect of the arrow can enhance the shot but on the other hand it can negate a shot or just layer on the enhancement. I decided to see if I could get a different one. But just as I was about to press the button again the roulette shutdown for maintenance.

"Dam guess I'm done for today." I mumbled. I walked past the sails lady. "Have a good day." I replied begrudgingly.

"Sorry about the maintenance they fix it when ever they feel like it." She apologized.

"I understand but they got to warn people before they do it because it is really irritating when it just shuts down like that." I said and walked though my door.

"I'll be sure to let them know that." She called out just as the door closed then disappeared.

I flopped down on my bed because I knew Joe was sleeping and wouldn't wake up even if I burned the house down. I had had the idea once to do it so to make sure I moved my bed and pried up some wood but found a metal insulator that would keep the blaze in my room making that plan a bust. So, I put the wood back as best as I could then move the bed back.

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