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Author's Note

Hey guys, tysm for your support, sadly this story is coming to an end! Oh no right?
Don't worry though this isn't the last section I promise! But for now, enjoy!

Your P.O.V

I looked at Dark then at the huge snake. "Well what do we do with it?" I asked. Dark shrugged. "I guess leave it? I have no idea. One thing is for sure though, I am NOT eating it." Dark replied with a slight pinch of humor in his voice. We walked back to Shadow who was looking at us. "What happened to you guys? Did you go too rough on each other?" Shadow asked us. "Ew! No!!!" I screamed making a disgusted face. Dark also looked disgusted. "No, we were chased by a giant snake!" Dark said. "Oh, oops.... should have told you about that. Just don't kill it, it protects the land here." Shadow told us. "Oops..." I and Dark both said. "RIP Protector. Let's go." Shadow's response was a mixture of anger and sadness. We started on our way again. The mountain seemed to be getting closer and closer with every step. "Our journey is coming to a close. All we have to do is go through a swamp, that's all! And oh wait climbing the mountain too..." Shadow told us with a smile. "Soon it'll all be over and we can do our own things." I said with a smile. "Actually, Y/N... you don't have to go back to the place you were before... you can be in the castle with me." Dark said to me with nervousness in his voice. I blushed deeply. "I...I'd like that." I smiled still blushing. "Awww you guys are so cute!" Shadow laughed as she walked backwards looking at us. "Yeah, yeah shush." I replied with a laugh. "Anyways, I see the swamp coming up. Everyone about ready or something like that?" Shadow questioned. "Nope" I jinxed with Dark. Shadow just plain laughed as we entered the swamp.

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