Adam didn’t reply.  Blake was right.  He wasn’t ready to share.

Jerome rode past on his bike with a huge grin on his face.

 “You gotta tell me eventually.”  Blake said quietly.

Adam nodded.  “I will.”

Blake sighed.  He knew it involved the girl that had moved in next door.  He had asked Georgia to check her out at school.  The reports were coming back strange.  She was quiet and withdrawn.  Not openly hostile, but not friendly either.  Blake would bide his time with his friend.  He had seen Adam nearly destroyed by that Cathi bitch and now this new girl was threatening to mess up his friend all over again.

Adam friend to ignore his friend brooding beside him and watched his brother ride his bike.  He felt bad for not trusting his friend.

 “Her brother is a freak.”  Adam murmured.

Blake looked at him and waited quietly.

 “Last night, after you left I was watching her.”  Adam paused to laugh nervously.  “That sounds bad.  We were writing notes and her brother broke into her room.”

 “What?”  Blake choked out.

 “She escaped out her balcony door and I watched him completely trash her room.  It’s like he was looking for something.  The look in her eyes was,”  He paused and rubbed his face,  “It was terror.  He’s done something to her.  Something bad Blake.”

Blake stared open mouthed.

 “I don’t know what to do.  Initially I thought that I would ignore her and pretend she didn’t exist, but then I thought about her.  I can’t stop watching her.”  Adam sighed.  “I want to get to know her.  The way she moves is like magic.”  He huffed out a laugh.

Blake sighed.  “Georgia has told me some things.”

Adam turned to look at his friend.  “Like what?”

 “She’s withdrawn, but smart.  Very smart.  She doesn’t talk much and seems really jittery.  Now that you’ve told me that, I think you’re right.  Something must be happening.”

 “That settles it then.”  Adam replied.

 “Settles what?”

 “I can’t ignore her.  I’ll go over tomorrow and tell her what I saw.”

Blake frowned.  “Do you really think that it’s a good idea?”


 “Maybe you shouldn’t.  Why don’t you think on it?”

Adam sighed.  “Yeah maybe.”  He looked back at Justin.  He was still whizzing around.  “What time is it?”

Blake looked at his watch.  “Eleven.”

 “We gotta go.  I have to be at the gym at twelve.”

Blake nodded and they both stood.  “Talk to Serra.  She might be able to help.”

Adam nodded.  “Jerome!”  He called.  “We gotta go.”

 “Okay.”  Jerome turned his bike towards Adam’s truck and waited until the older boys got there.

Adam finished his last set and picked up his towel.  He wiped his face and sighed heavily into the towel.  Serra hadn’t been at the gym and he had to do his workout alone.  Admittedly he didn’t work as hard without her and he still felt like shit.  He would wait longer.  Maybe tomorrow he would open his curtains and see if she was there.

Book of Adam - (Second Book in Broken Angel Series)Where stories live. Discover now