Chapter 6

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Third Person P.O.V (well this is new)

John and Alex walked hand-in-hand out of Panera, and began to walk downtown. Since it was only about 15 minutes away they decided to walk there.

When they got downtown, people seemed to be staring at them with disgusted looks on their faces.

"That's not right." A lady said to her friend, just loud enough for John and Alex to hear.

"Disgusting." The lady's friend replied, and shot a glare at John and Alex.

Alex hung his head low and let go of John's hand. John quickly intertwined their hands again before continuing to walk. "Don't listen to them, they're just  jealous of us." John told Alex, who smiled in response.

After walking for about five minutes, Alex suddenly stopped and rushed over to a wall with a poster on it that read:

Disney On Ice!
Oct. 14th-20th
Get your tickets today!

Alex pointed at the poster, as he hopped from foot-to-foot. John let out a laugh and walked over to him. "Wow, I sure have turned you into a Disney fanatic haven't I?" He joked and a earned a small laugh from Alex.

Can we go? Please! Alex begged as if he were a little kid. "I don't have that kinda money to spend, Alex." John told him, and Alex made a pouty face and crossed his arms. John sighed, "Fine we can go you Disney Princess." Alex blushed at John calling him a "Disney Princess" before quickly signing a "thank you" and hugging him.

"Alright, shall we get going to the park now?" John asked Alex, who nodded.

(Time skip to when they make it to the park)

The two sat underneath a moss tree, and began to talk about random things. John was starting to get nervous again and he hoped Alex wouldn't notice, but to his luck he did.

John, you're nervous again. What's wrong? Alex raised a brow. John hesitated for a moment before answering. "There's something I've been needing to tell you, Alex." John started, and Alex nodded his head to tell him to keep going. "I really like you Alex, I've had a crush on you ever since we met. You're just so adorable, and fun to be around. I under-" John was caught off by Alex pressing his lips against his own. He hesitated for a second before returning the kiss. It was a sweet, passionate filled kiss that neither wanted to pull away from, but no matter how much they wanted it to last they both pulled away.

Both of the boys faces were flushed. Alex couldn't believe he just kissed John, and John was freaking out in his head. But soon enough John spoke, well he at least tried to. "Alex.. I-I." John stopped, he seemed to flustered to even form a sentence.

Alex smiled, before signing something.
Laurens, I like you a lot.

(Time skip to the next day)

"He kissed me! Alexander fucking Hamilton kissed me!" John exclaimed as he entered Herc and Laf's dorm, scaring them slightly as he did so.

"Wow, I didn't think he was the type to make the first move." Herc commented.

"What else happened mon cher?" Lafayette asked as John took a seat by him.

"Well we took a walk downtown, and these ladies commented on how me holding Alex's hand "wasn't right" and that it's "disgusting." I wanted to flip them off and curse them out, but I didn't want to cause a scene. Then Alex saw a Disney On Ice poster and now I have to take him to it. After that we went to the park where I confessed and then he kissed me." John told them.

"My little boy is growing up so fast!" Lafayette cried out, before hugging John. "Laf, you're starting to act how my mom used to act." John said as he pulled away from the hug. "Well then mon cher, starting today I am you your mother and you're my son!" Lafayette smiled. "So if you're my mother, does that make Herc my father?" John raised a brow and looked to Hercules, who shrugged.

"Hang on, are you two even a thing yet?" John asked as he looked from Laf to Herc. Both of them blushed and averted eye contact. John rolled his eyes and stood up. "I should head back to my dorm now. Bye mom by dad!" John added the last sentence with a laugh. "Bye son!" Lafayette called out to him as he opened the door and walked outside.

"Lexi I'm home! Wanna watch some Disney?" As soon as John got the question out of his mouth Alex came racing towards him, nodding frantically. John laughed. "Alright calm down and take a seat, Princess. I'll pick out a movie." Alex blushed at the nickname before quickly walking into the bedroom and pulling his duvet off his bed, then he walked back to the couch and sat down, putting the duvet over him as he did so.

During the time Alex too to get settled, John decided on watching Sleeping Beauty. Once he put the movie on, John sat down and wrapped one arm around Alex's shoulders and pulled the duvet over him with his other. As soon as John's arm wrapped around him, Alex laid his head on John's chest.

The two boys were barely half way through the movie when suddenly John thought of something. What are Alex and I? Are we a couple? He questioned before letting out a sigh. "Hey Alex," John started, and Alex hummed I response and looked up at the freckled boy. "What are we?" He asked. Alex sat up. Boyfriends? Unless that's moving too fast, I mean we have only had one kiss. He answered John's question, well he kind of did. "I'd love to be your boyfriend, Alexander." John smiled before pecking Alex on the lips, making Alex blush and smile. He was happy that he actually had a boyfriend. Alright as much as I want this moment to last, we need to get back to watching the movie. Alex signed before curling up against John and resting his head against his chest again. "Okay fine, Princess." John said as he turned to watch the movie.

A/n ahah two chapters in one day to make up for randomly disappearing

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