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Cas paced in his brother's room.

"Gabe, what do I do? He's a star wrestler, he'll never notice some nerd like me."

Gabe snorted. "Says the captain of the soccer team. Come on, you're not just a nerd. You're smart, definitely, but you're also athletic and talented and cute. He'll never be able to resist your charm."

Cas sighed. "But how? I'm terrible with people. Last time I tried to flirt with someone, I almost threw up and she basically ran away screaming."

Gabe snorted again. "That's because you were flirting with a girl, and you're gay."

"I know, but even with other people. I'm just not good with people in general," Cas said, putting his head in his hands. Stupid Dean Winchester, with his stupid jade green eyes and stupid perfectly styled dirty blonde hair and stupid full pink lips that look absolutely kissable. He was really messing Cas up.

He would be lucky if he survived senior year of high school.

Someone is knocking on the door when Cas wakes up the next morning.

"Give me a sec," he groans, throwing on at least a shirt before opening his door.

"Hey, Castiel," Meg purrs.

"Um, hello, Meg," Cas replies a bit stiffly.

"Are you ready for today, darling?" She asks while practically throwing herself on Cas, rubbing his chest with her palms and licking her lips hungrily.

"Y-yes, I have to get breakfast first, though," he responds hurriedly, desperate to get away from her touch. This would definitely be harder than he planned on it being, especially as thoughts of Dean filled his head.

"Don't worry, I'll wait for you." Before he can protest, she closes the door behind her, and goes to sit on the couch in his room. She crosses her legs, eyes devouring his body as he changes into shorts and a t-shirt. He briefly smiles at her before letting her grab his hand and pull him out the door.


"Sammy, do I really have to play another match?" Dean asked, sweat dripping from his forehead. "I'm kicking your ass and you know it."

The two brothers were on the tennis court, and true to Jo's word, Dean was not happy about it. They had attracted a bit of a crowd of women, and though he was winning almost every match, Dean was getting sick of being the center of attention, feeling very self conscious and insecure.

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to play one of you," Cas said, appearing out of nowhere and swinging a tennis racket by his side.

"You're on," Sam said with a bright smile, and Dean was kicked off the court. He caught the attention of Meg, who came and sat right next to him.

"You're Dean, right?" She said. Dean looked at her for a moment. How the hell does everyone know him?

She laughed at his confused expression. "You don't remember? Well, I suppose we all did grow up at some point. I'm Meg. You, me and Castiel all went to the same high school in Lawrence."

Dean's eyes widened in shock. That must've been how Cas knew him. "Oh, my God. You're Meg! H-hey, how are you doing?"

She giggled again. "I'm doing pretty well. I can't complain. After all, I have the hottest guy here, besides maybe you."

He ignored her obvious attempt at flirting and took the bait. "Who are you here with?"

"Oh, I'm Castiel's date," she said casually, but she watched his reaction carefully. He couldn't deny it - a pang of jealousy went through his gut, though he didn't understand it. Didn't he hate Castiel?

Of course, he remembered high school, and knew why Meg would be so careful. He and Cas has been close friends, up until Dean's mom died. When that happened, he pushed everyone he loved away, except for his little brother. Regardless, there had been rumors that he and Castiel had been together, and, well, it was hard to say what they had been.

So, he said, "Oh, that's... nice," through gritted teeth. His attention was then diverted to his brother, who was calling his name.

"Dean! You wanna play?" He called. Dean looked at Castiel, who looked away from him. Determined to show to himself that he felt absolutely nothing for the really attractive, sweaty, blue eyed man, he nodded, and Sam came off of the court.

Dean flicked his wrist. He would crush this Castiel, and that would be it.


"Come on! You're cheating. That wasn't out of bounds," Dean said angrily as he lost yet another match against Cas. Sure, he'd won a few matches against Cas, but it seemed that he was starting a losing streak.

Cas chuckled. "How about we call it a day?" Dean reluctantly nodded and walked off the court.

"So, Dean, would you like to..." Cas started but drifted off as Dean rushed over to his brother, muttering, "Let's get out of here," before Cas could get in a single word. It was clear that Dean wasn't interested, probably because, in Cas' eyes, he was trying to hook up with Jo. Of course, Cas was hurt, but he was starting to feel angry.

"Dean. Dean!" Cas growled. As Dean spun around, Cas thought he saw a flash of fear on the man's face, and it threw him off. His first instinct was to protect and to care for Dean, but as soon as Dean's annoyed look processed in his head, Cas lost his control.

"You can't just ignore me like this. I have apologized repeatedly. I'll say it again - I'm sorry, Dean. But you cannot walk all over me and expect me to be fine with it," he said sincerely.

Dean rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest. "Listen, I know you think that you can get whatever you want by just asking for it. But an apology for my rightful behavior is not what you're gonna get."

Cas' expression turned furious. "You listen to me," he said, stepping right into Dean's space, making the man look uncomfortable, and, was that fear? "I will not tolerate any of this. I have been trying to get through to you and you keep pushing me away, and for what, because I have money? No, Dean, it's not because of that." Cas stepped even closer, and yes, that was definitely panic written all over Dean's face. "There's something else here, some problem that you refuse to confront. And it isn't my problem. So if you want to ignore me? Fine, okay. But don't be an ass about it."

With that, Cas spun on his heel and walked away, feeling Dean's eyes follow his every move. What he just said caught up to him, and Cas immediately felt terrible for causing Dean any kind of anxiety.

Dean finally let out the breath he was holding and turned to his brother, who gave him a classic disappointed look. "Let's just go," Dean mumbled, and Sam reluctantly followed his stubborn brother.

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