Day 1 breakfast

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The sound of laughter drifted from the living room, filling my every sense as I made my descent. Following the same old path, past the same old doors, I came to stop in the kitchen. Making breakfast, a simple breakfast, toast and an assortment of jams. As soon as the toaster pops I hear the pitter-patter of many feet, 11 feet to be precise.

"What's for breakfast today Burns, is it toast again"

"Geoff you know very well what's for breakfast. Now go get the others seated at the table" exhaustion clear in both our voices.

"Ryan, come give me a hand will ya" I shout into the next room and upon my request, a very tired boy strolls into the kitchen. "Did you get any sleep last night?" I say my voice dropping to a whisper.
"No I couldn't sleep and you know I don't like my medication."
"I know Rye but please consider it. Now help me carry this stuff into the dining hall"desperation clear in my voice.
"Yes sir," he says with a mock salute. At least he still has a sense of humour.

I enter the hall a few minutes after Ryan seeing all the kids stuffing their faces, well all but one.

"Hey, Gav you need to eat" I whisper my voice laced with concern for the young British lad.
"I know Burns but I don't have an appetite right now."
"At least have half a slice. For me." As I say that Gavin begins to take a few bites of his toast. "Thanks."

The ringing of my phone blares out in the quiet room and I make my way outside to answer it.

Pov switch

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a certain British lad talking nervous bites of his toast. Michael was, as always, sat next to him ranting about his latest fight.

I make my way towards him. Going unnoticed by the rest of the boys, and girl but she insists that she is one of the guys.

"Hey rye-bread what you want?"
"To know why you're upset" Concern lacing my voice.
"How do you know I'm upset," Gav asks with genuine confusion. "Look Gavvy I have known you for too long to not be able to tell when you're upset. I mean for a start you are eating less than usual."
"I guess I'm nervous about starting school." Ahhh the first day back is always rough, especially for Gavin.
"Hey look if anyone gives you any shit let me know and I'll kick there arse for ya."
"You would do that for me."
"Of course I would Gav, I would do anything for you. Any of you to be honest, and I'm guessing that everyone else here feels the same."
"Thanks, rye bread, you can count on me too."
"I know Gav I know"

As Gav opens his mouth, Burnie's phone cuts him off and he makes his way outside. Following him, I leave Gavin with a quick hug and head outside.

Pov switch

"... yeah that's fine thanks" great Lindsay can't make it here so now me and Geoff will have to ferry the kids to school.

As I turn I notice a figure standing in the doorway. "Oh hey, Ryan I didn't hear you. What's up?"
"If you want, Gav and I can walk the little ones to nursery. I'm Sure he'll be grateful for the fresh air." I hope getting out the house will take his mind off school.
"Oh my god Ryan you are a life saver, thank you so much. Did you find out what was bothering Gav?" my voice moulding from relief to concern.
"It's ok. He's fine, nervous about going back to school, you know how tough it can be on him." thank god it's nerves that's something Ryan can handle very well when it comes to Gavin. To be honest, Ryan is the best at handling Gavin in general.

"What about you" my voice growing more concerned as I see him stiffen up.
"Not much I had a nightmare about them last night that's all. I'm feeling better now I promise."
I know I'm not going to get anything else out of him so I decide to drop the subject.
"Ok if you're sure, now start getting the others ready and then you can take Jeremy, miles, Kerry and Jon to nursery with Gav."
"Sure thing boss." He turns and exits the narrow corridor and I can hear him telling everyone what needs to do. I'm so glad to have him to help me out, I don't know what I would do if I had to run this place on my own.

Walking back into the dining hall, I find it free of children and dishes. But on further inspection I see a small shape huddled in the corner. Making my way over to the shape I make sure they are aware of my presence. "Hey Lil' J what's up?"
"Oh hey, Burns I must have fallen asleep." Jeremy was the most recent addition to our family. He came a few months ago after his parents overdosed, but that doesn't mean I don't care about him. "Ok, buddy, why don't you get ready for school, Ryan is taking you," I tell him making sure my voice isn't too commanding.
"Yes, sir." comes his timid reply. As I watch him walking out of the room I call out to him.
"Hey, Jeremy call me Burns ok," I swear I could see a small smile spread across his face.

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