He ate his breakfast in silence, noting to himself that his tasted pancake recipe a lot better but decided it would be best to keep that opinion to himself. Kate ate hers with a scowl that seemed to be permanently plastered on her face ever since he came back. What had happened to my bubbly little sister?

Somehow, he could sense that she was dying to say something to him, probably still seething over their conversation from earlier. Eventually, she cracked and spat, "I'm not a slut."

His confusion was evident before he narrowed his eyes at the accusation as he said, "I never said you were. Do tell me who I need to have words with if they have called you a slut." His words had a protective edge in them.

"I just don't get what the big deal is. I mean, Flora wears stuff like this all the time," she muttered, tapping her phone screen absentmindedly as if she never said anything at all.

Her unexpected words were announced at the same time he was drinking so he barely stopped himself from covering the table with orange juice. Spluttering, he eventually said, "no she doesn't." His sweet girl wouldn't wear that stuff. Flora was the kind to wear oversized sweaters or flowy dresses in fear of being confined in her clothes.

Kate just smirked and shrugged at him. "Maybe not in front of you."

She was playing with him. It was obvious and he knew Flora better than anyone did, five years hasn't changed that. But the thought of her dressing up for someone else, wasn't a thought that settled well in his stomach.

"Oops. Got to go. Don't want to be late." She said in a sing-song voice, knowing that her words had gotten to him.

Theo glared at the back of Kate as she practically skipped out of her door with her designer bag swung over her shoulder.

But when he realised that this was the perfect opportunity to see his princess, he yelled, "wait!" When she stopped and turned around with a raised eyebrow, he asked, "I'm driving you to school."

He walked past her while she tried to compose herself with the shock of the announcement leaving her mouth gaping open. "W-why?"

"Can't I be a nice big brother for once?" He said with a smirk and opened the door, feeling the warm air caress the skin exposed from his t-shirt.

"Never bothered to be before." She muttered and pushed past him to get in the car. "We have to drive Flora too 'cause she doesn't like taking the bus by herself."

He nearly rolled his eyes at the fact that his sister thought she could tell him something about his Flora that he didn't already know. Jogging a few short steps to next door, he knocked thrice and waited patiently with his hands behind his back.

The black painted door opened to reveal Flora's monster of a mother in her tightly pulled back hair and layers of poorly applied makeup to hide her ageing face. She scowled when she saw him but as always, put on a tight lipped smile. "Oh hello, Theo. Welcome back."

"Thank you," He forced himself to say. He never liked the woman. She looked down at people like they were a piece of dirt and only those with a high status and wealth would be deemed worthy enough to have her bend over backwards to please them. Her false personality deceived his parents into thinking she was a wonderful and kind woman, and only because of her desperate friendship with them, did she tolerate Theo with fake friendliness.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" She asked, already inching the door closed. Her stiletto blood red nails tapped the wood annoyingly as she talked.

"I'm driving Flora to school." He stated, smiling through gritted teeth as he left her with no room to discuss the statement.

Her nose flared but again, an ugly smile appeared on her face and she said, "you are? Well, she'll be out soon."

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