I Want You (One shot story)

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Warning: Mature content ahead. ;)


I always knew what I wanted. I have planned my future ahead of me. Have a clear vision of the road I’m heading to. Or so I thought..

“Erin..” I heard him moaned my name as he continue to kiss the living crap out of me. He inserted his tongue and explore my mouth while touching my back in a sensual way that brought me so much pleasure.

“Ahmm..” I couldn’t take it any longer. I knew I was enjoying this but I’m wanting more, I dunno exactly  what it is I just know that needed to get it now.

He started to pulled off my dress as he walked us towards the bed never breaking the kiss. As the cold air hit my skin I knew there is no turning back, again with him.

I know I should get used to this. This just an old game for us, we used to do this all the time until the day that I realized that I wanted more than this, more than he can give.

So I said that we should stop unless he’s willing to give more that he’s giving now. I know I shouldn’t be pressuring him, this is what I want from the start. We both wanted this, we agreed on this.

I felt the soft fabric of the bed sheet touched my back. I started to unbuckled his belt. We’re both panting now from nonstop kissing. I felt his breath on my neck, it sent delicious shivers down my spine. His one hand caressing my bosom, pinching my nipples as his other hand travel downward exploring and finding my treasure.

I was caressing his back, cupping his perfectly endowed buttocks. I can feel his erection getting harder and harder by each passing minutes. It poking my stomach giving me pain as he press against me, in that achingly pleasurable way.

His lips travels again with his wandering hands. He kissed me on my cheeks, my jaw, my neck sucking and nibbling so hard that I knew it’ll leave a hicky later but I couldn’t care less. He found my ears and started to licked and nibbles it. He knew that it’s weakest spot so he continue to what to do what he do best.

Oh God. I don’t know what this man is doing to me, but whatever it is I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.

As his hands continue to travel down south he continues to shower me kisses as where his hands touched my body. I just continue to moan, touch him and caressed his now messy hair letting him know how much I'm enjoying this pleasure he is giving me, leaving me helpless.

“Jake!” I let out a squeal as he found my feminine treasure. He started to caress me using his lips, making wonders on my femininity. As if not contented on the pleasure he was giving me he decided to join his hands and fingers in making me weak. Until I couldn’t take it any longer and succumbed powerlessly to his will.

I suddenly missed his lips so I pull up his head so that we’ll seeing face to face again. I saw his piercing look, the one who says he wanted me, he needed me right now. I know it’s different from what I really wanted but I let myself get drowned to those beautiful brown eyes.

I kissed him like there’s no tomorrow. I kiss him using all the things I’ve learned from him all these years. I kissed him endlessly, hotly, intensely. He responded whole heartedly making it double the pleasure for both of us.

“I want you babe, now.” he said so eagerly, firmly. I missed him calling me that, as much as i remember how it feels good saying out his name. If we’re in some anime show you can probably see those steamy lustful aura floating around us.

“I’m all yours.” I replied with so much passion that I know if I didn’t give in I’ll gonna burst into flames.

He pulled my legs apart so that he’ll have a better access. He positioned himself  in my entrance ready to invade my inner core.

I Want You (One shot story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon