As I'll ever be. Liz? Sam asked.

"Same here. Sully?" She replied, glancing to her left again.

"Just a sec..." he mumbled before Rafe bid against him one last time, and Sully finally backed down.

"Had me worried there for a minute, Victor. Thought I might have to kill you!" Rafe said towards them. The crowd chuckled, and Liz forced a fake smile on her face, grinding her teeth at his foul words.

"Okay, let's ruin this asshole's evening," Sully finally said.

"Anyone else?"


"We are going once...going twice...then I shall sell it for five hundred thousand-"

The lady was cut off by the room filling with darkness. Liz had already began moving. Even in the darkness she saw Sam's figure rushing towards the stage, walking alongside her towards the door. Once they found it, he swung it open, ushering hr through, Sully trailing behind.

Sam nudged her lightly, and Liz couldn't help but give him a grin.

"Not too rough after 15 years, I see. did make a little bit of noise...I swear I saw your trip in the dark-"

"Oh hush, Elizabeth," he mumbled, shaking his head.

"Gladly, Samuel."

She watched him crack a smile from the corner of her vision.

Sam, tell me you got the cross, Nate asked frantically.

They turned a corner, trying to find their way to the getaway car. "I got Saint Dismas right here, you wanna say hi?"

Yeah, we really kicked the hornet's nest down here. Ballroom's locked down, security's scrambling, Sully said, having gone a different pathway than them.

"Yeah we gotta be careful down h-"

She made a soft yelp as she was pulled back behind a wall, seeing security down the hall she was just about to pass. Glancing behind her, she gave a thankful nod to Sam, whose arm was still around her waist.

He dropped it once she noticed it. "Hey, where's our getaway?" He whispered.

Come to the driveway out front, just follow the spotlights. I'll bring the car around.

Liz peeked down the hall, about to make her way across before watching Sam take another route. "Hey, where are you going?"

"You go ahead to the parking lot, that way's much quicker," he whispered back, pointing up at the vents. "I gotta make sure Nate's okay."

Liz's face scrunched up in disgust. "Seriously?"


Liz glared at him for a few moments before giving in, letting him boost her up.

"Watch out," she called behind her, pushing her heels off her feet, letting out an exhale of relief.

"Good luck," she heard him say, and with that, he was off, leaving her to crawl through the vents, letting her take a shortcut outside.

Once she finally dropped outside of the building and near the parking lot, she practically wanted to rip her dress off by now; at least it was quite flowy. As she was about to make her way on foot, a white car rolled up in front of her.

"Hop in," Sully said as he rolled his window down, and she was quick to get inside.

"All right I got the car, where the hell are you guys?" Sully spoke into the earpiece.

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