Consumed By Darkness

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     I leaned over slightly but when I did so, it hurt because of the large cuts along my chest. I reached my hand up to feel my skin laced together with stitches.

     "I guess I must be attracted to assholes," Lydia looked down at the ground with a sigh.

      "So I'm an asshole?" I chuckled at her.

That's when Lydia did her usual roll of the eyes at my comment, "Don't flatter yourself. You can be an asshole."

     She smiled again which made me unwillingly smile back. Deaton made me stay at the clinic for 24 hours, so the rest of the day me and Lydia just talked. About the supernatural and the completely normal parts of our lives. But as it started to get dark out, Lydia's eyes were starting to become droopy.

      "You know, you can go home if you want."

     She opened her eyes, looking at me with a distant, tired glance. "No its ok. I want to stay here with you."

      I smiled slightly at her wanting to stay here overnight with me, "At least sleep on a chair. Leaning on your knees on the floor probably isn't comfortable."

     She shrugs and leans against the metal table, still gripping onto my hand tightly.

     "You could lay up here with me if you want," I tried to say it without a shaky voice but it still came out that way because of my nerves.

     Lydia looked up at me with shocked eyes. Then she shook her head to stop her shocked expression. She pulled herself off of the ground and slowly sat at the edge of the table. I roll my body over to give Lydia enough space to lay down next to me.

     She rolled onto her side so that she was facing me, "Aiden won't ever do that again, because I'm not with him anymore." I smiled and brushed a strand of her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear as she began to speak again, "Hopefully I'll finally get the good guy."

     I was speechless but I could choke out a couple words, "That's what you deserve." She rolled back onto her other side so I wrapped my arm around her small torso, holding her warm body against mine. 

     The way that she fit in my arms was almost as if we've been made for each other, but I still couldn't fall asleep. She fell asleep so easily but I was afraid that if I fell asleep, I would wake up to see that she was gone. My eyes closed involuntarily and drifted into a terrifying nightmare. Well I thought that it was a nightmare.

     I awoke to see that Lydia wasn't by my side any longer. I wasn't even at the vet clinic. I was locked in a gym locker. That's when I saw it. Through the folds at the top of the locker, I saw the figure that was about 6 feet tall. He would have towered over me if I stood next to him.

     As he walked by I tried to remain quiet but when I shifted my weight, I fell back against the locker. He stopped in front of the locker and turned to look at me through the folds. He was something that you would see in a horror film. A faded wrap for extreme burns was wrapped loosely around his face. "Let me in." The man said slowly and quietly. His voice came out in a low raspy groan as it passed through his yellow jagged teeth that were sharp as daggers.

     "Let me in." He continued to say as as he said it he began to get louder, "Let me in.. Let me in! LET ME IN!" I clasped my hands over my ears to try to block out the sounds and closed my eyes. Then the locker door opened.

     And that's when I woke up.

     My eyes flickered open to see that Lydia was sitting up with a worried look on her face. As I sat up too, I realized that I wasn't in control of my own body. Someone else was. My head turned to look at her with a wicked smirk.

     "What's wrong with you, Stiles?" As she said it, I could barely hear it. It was like I was in a tunnel and everything was echoing. I tried to call out to her that this wasn't me but no words came out. "You were tossing and turning all night like you were having a nightmare," Lydia spoke quietly.

     The not me/me chuckled, "Nope. No nightmare. I was just becoming my true self. "

     Lydia's eyebrows raised with confusion, "True self? What are you talking about? You've always been yourself."

     My arms lifted to shove Lydia off the side of the table, "What the hell Stiles? How did you change so much over-.." She stopped in the middle of her sentence as if she realised what was going on. "You're not Stiles."

     A wicked chuckle escaped my lips, "I am now. Oh, clever little Lydia. The Stiles that you used to know is already gone. He's been slipping away a while now but once he's gone is when you notice? Stiles may act like he loves you but deep down he hates you for how you strung him along all those years. He used to call you cold blooded."

     Lydia shook her head as she backed away from the me that's not me, "Stiles wouldn't ever hold a grudge. And I know that he's still in there somewhere. He wouldn't just give up and let you win. So Stiles. The real one. If you're still there please come back to me."

     The creature inside of me was so strong. Strong enough to hold me back until Lydia spoke the words, please come back to me. It felt as if I broke through a barrier but all I did was blink my eyes, and I knew that I was me again.

     When I blinked, I saw her red hair through my glassy eyes and I leaned over to brush her hair behind her ear, "Lydia? Its me. It's really me. I promise."

     A tear rolled down Lydia's cheek and she hugged me so tight that I swear it broke one of my ribs. "I know that its you. But why did this happen?"

     My hands started to shake as I looked down at them, "I thought it was a nightmare. I guess that's how he gets into my head. While I'm sleeping."

     "Who's he, Stiles?" Lydia asked, looking at me with her tear filled eyes.

     I take in a deep breath, "He's back, Lydia. He's back. The Nogitsune.."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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