bad boy and a bad girl

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Derek's Pov:

She gorgeous. I shouldn't be thinking like that. I sound like a pussy.

"Hey." She said. God her voice is perfect. so perfect it gave me the chills. Stop! Your sounding like a pussy Derek! I mentally tell at myself.

"Uh. Hey. I'm Derek" I said walking off.

I know y'all probably think that was super rude but I don't care. It's not like I like her, I mean I just met her and Derek micheal Logan does not fall for girls. I have sex with them. That's it. But she's different... STOP! God what is up with me!

Cameron's Pov (what?!?😯😯)

"I bet you can't sleep with her within a month" Jace states. Psshhh I can sleep with anyone! I'm cameron lee Logan! I'm like a fucking sex god!

"100 bucks says I can" I say smirking.

"Fine. and if you don't you have to pay me 100 dollars and I get to send everyone the picture of you in a bra and thong."


When I was 15 I was dared to run around my neighbor hood with only a bra and thong and jace took a picture of me. But good thing no ones going to see it, cause I cameron lee Logan am going to make Rose fall in love with then persuade her to have sex with me...

I'm an asshole. But I don't care.


oh zayummmm! Throwing in some little action here😏

jk lol but I just met my soon to be cousin and like I'm in love!! He's so funny and he's bf is perfect to like agh I can't wait till we're cousins

but tell me advise on the book or tells want y'all want(;

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