Chapter 8 - A Bastard and an Imp

Start from the beginning

"Do you want me to bring you back to bed, or do you want Robb to do it?" Aurelia asked her,

"Robb." Arya replied, which earned another smile from both Robb and Aurelia.

"Okay then, goodnight." Aurelia said, and kissed Arya's forehead before she and Robb walked out of the hall. Aurelia then stood up and walked her way to Sansa, who was busy cleaning the food from her face with the help of Jeyne Pool and their Septa Unella.

"Are you all right?" Aurelia asked, resting her hand on Sansa's shoulders. Sansa look up to see her elder sister standing behind her.

"She's such a child!" Sansa raged about Arya, "It's not funny at all, and she does it all the time! She ruined my favorite dress, and she's embarrassed me in front of everyone!"

"You have to be patient with Arya, you know how she is. Don't make such a big fuss about it." Aurelia told her, and Sansa just grumbled.

Aurelia then decided to leave the hall, as she couldn't stand another second in the feast. She felt the rush of wind greet her face as soon as she stepped outside. There weren't a lot of people outside, and the streets seemed quiet enough. The night was really dark, and only light illuminating her path are the small candles that hanged against the walls of the castle. She saw a familiar man in the distance swinging his sword. When she walked closer to him, only then did she realize it was her half-brother Jon.

Aurelia always felt sorry for the way her mother acted towards Jon. She has never been a mother to Jon, and she always act cold towards him. Even after all these years, Catelyn can't find it in herself to love the bastard. Jon had been keeping it up for the rest of his life. He found comfort in his father and his half-siblings, though he wasn't particularly close to Sansa.

Jon was so intent on slicing the dummy in front of him that he didn't notice Aurelia walking behind him. Aurelia placed her hands on top of the fence that separated her and Jon, and she looked at him in amusement.

"I believe he's already dead. Stabbing won't do much good." Aurelia mused, and Jon immediately stopped swinging his sword once he heard her voice. He looked behind seeing Aurelia's smirk, causing him to put his sword down.

"You're supposed to be at the feast. They'll notice you're gone." Jon told her instead, as he walk up to her.

"Well you're not there anyway. Why should I be?" Aurelia questioned,

"I'm a bastard. You are father's true born child." Jon repeated what Catelyn said to him.

"Nonsense. You are a Stark just like any of us." Aurelia told him,

"I'm a Snow." Jon reminded her, but Aurelia wouldn't hear it.

"A name does not matter. Father's blood run through your veins." Aurelia defended her brother's position in the family. Just because he's a bastard, does not mean that he has to be treated as one.

"It does matter. Now go back. People will surely note your disappearance, and your mother will probably send Robb to come looking for you." Jon said, ushering her to go.

"I told you, I don't want to go back inside. I don't know how people can spend such a long time in feasts. It's loud, it smells of wine everywhere, and everybody is drunk." Aurelia complained, much to Jon's amusement. "And that Jaime Lannister keeps on looking at me. I can't stand it any longer." She added, and this most definitely caught Jon's interest.

"I heard about the betrothal. I'm sorry." Jon told her, and Aurelia's face turned sad. She hated talking about her impending marriage to the Lannister. She's furious at the King for commanding such a thing, and she would hate her father for allowing the marriage to happen. "I know how much you despise arranged marriages. Is there really no way out of it?" Jon asked,

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