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The bed was still warm when Connor woke up, his vision unaffected by the harsh rays of the sun that poured through the open window. As he slowly rose up from the pile of blankets around him, he found his clothes to be missing. After a moment of processing, a soft blue blush tinted the deviant's cheeks. It had almost slipped his mind that last night had even happened.

The android glanced over to the empty spot in bed, a small smile curling his lips as he rose to his feet. The movement caused an uncomfortable sensation in his body, but he chose to ignore it as he scanned the floor for his clothing. All he could find among the mess was his white button-up, which had been carelessly tossed against the wall closest to the door. He walked over to it, scooping it up before squirming into it. The material bagged over his hips a decent amount, so he felt safe enough to walk around without anything else on.

Now he had a new objective; to find Hank.

Before Connor left the room, he found it to be common decency to make the bed up neatly. Everything in the room was neat and straight before he even thought about exiting. Once all the mess was taken care of, the RK800 walked out of the room, heading down the hall while self consciously adjusting his button-up.

"Lieutenant?" he called into the seemingly empty house, which roused Sumo into trotting up to him. Connor reached down and gently scratched behind the dog's ears, satisfying him so he could continue on his search. Carefully, he searched every room until he got to the kitchen.

Hank was there, cooking breakfast without even acknowledging the under-dressed android that was approaching. He was shirtless, the only article of clothing on his body being his jeans and a belt. The small scars and stitches along his body were on display; Connor gently touched one that was placed just above his shoulder blade as he came up behind him. The lieutenant jumped and nearly dropped the pan he was cooking with, cursing incoherently under his breath as he felt arms drape around his waist.

"The hell are you doing, Connor?" he grunted as he turned his head, looking at him over his shoulder. The deep brown eyes that met his made him sigh and loosen up, moving to turn around and hug the smaller male. He went to do so, then paused.

"..What are you wearing, Connor?" he asked, his face tinting a dark shade as a blush crept into his cheeks.

"What do you mean, Hank?" he asked, looking at himself as he placed a hand on his chest. "I'm wearing my button-up. It appears that all the other clothing has gone missing from the room, for I couldn't find it."

"Yea, okay," Hank looked him over, shivering as a sigh escaped him. The android before him arched an eyebrow, silently questioning him.

"You're growing awfully red, Hank.." he commented, placing a hand on his chest. The heat of his body seemed to startle him, his hand pulling back for a moment before he placed it back down and got a bit closer. Hank gently grabbed his arm, urging him not to come any closer, but he did so anyway.

"Hank, it seems that your temperature is rising at quite a quick rate.. You're not catching a fever, are you?" the robot asked him, his LED flickering to a golden shade as he silently processed, looking up at Hank with worry. The man's face was progressively turning redder and redder as his grip tightened on Connor's arm.

"No, Connor.. No.. It's just.. It just got really hot in here, y'know?" he offered him a half smile as he averted his gaze from the small model before him. God, he's so fucking cute..

"I'll be fine, Connor," he assured, glancing at the android's hand that was placed over the tattoo on his chest. "..Perfectly fine."

"No! No, you won't.. I need to help you. You're sick, so I need to help you. I'll go prepare some things to help you along," he slid his hand from the man's chest; the contact was immediately missed by the lieutenant. Connor hurried away, not taking no for an answer as always.

"Connor! I.. Damn it, Connor!" he huffed, watching him go. How am I gonna explain this shit to him? Fuckin' androids.. He made me burn breakfast too.

Hank silently fumed, but easily got over it as he thought over the fretful android he considered a lover.

He decided to simply sit silently through Connor's treatments despite not being sick. For the rest of the day, Connor took care of everything, no matter how small the task was. Hank couldn't help but to watch him hurry around in nothing but that damn button-up all day, the so-called "fever" never leaving, which almost drew the android into calling a hospital.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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