The Unneruffertine Rebellion

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I saw a blob. A familiar kind of blob. A yellow-y brown, living, chicken-legged, three-eared blob.
It walked towards the corner of the street. Past a mansion, past a christmas-spirit-filled house, and into a shack. Naturally, I followed.
"James!" hissed the blob. No reply. "James John Jude Geoff!" it hissed again.
I felt a jolt in my stomach. I knew that name. It was the name of another blob.
"JAMES!" whispered the blob, as loud as he could. Finally, another blob walked out of the christmas-spirit-filled house. "Hamish!" the second blob bellowed cheerfully.
"Shhh!" shushed the first blob, "You'll summon the acid rain!"
"Acid rain?" asked the second blob, "This is Jimmy-0653, not Venus!"
"It's a metaphor," said the first blob, "Anyway, we need to plan the deaths."
"Ah, yes," said the second blob, suddenly a lot more serious, "The death of Jimmy O'Pongo."

I wake from my sleep, panting. I try to recall the dream. There were... there were two blobs. Unneruffertines. One was called James John Jude Geoff. I met him. The other... argh, the details are slipping away!
They were... planning something. Planning murder. Planning the murder of... me. Not usual Unneruffertine behavior. See, I've done many things for them. I've freed them from demons, I've helped them find their long-lost home, I've helped them uncover the secrets of the Universes. All this while being a donkey.

Perhaps I should introduce myself. Jimmy O'Pongo the donkey at your service. Well, not at your service. I don't know you. You might be an enemy. I'm not at your service.
Back to the story.

I look out the window. It's still night. Probably about three-thirty in the morning. I lie down on my bed, and try to get to sleep. But it's no use. You know how as soon as you wake up, that's it, no more sleeping until tonight? That's what it's like now.
I stay still on my bed for a while, then think, you know what? I should just get up and get the day started.
"Jeff!" I yell. Jeff is my brother. At least, we think we're brothers. We have the same last name. At least, I think it's our last name. It's our grandfathers name with an O' in front of it. At least, we think that Pongo was our grandfather. You never know if you can't even enter your details correctly on

At around five AM, I left our house, and set off for the iconic Great Pyramid of Donkeys. But I get bored. I walk to the garage, intending to find our boat, when I get distracted. I gase at the Legendary Pencil Car that I found in an alternate universe. Long story.
I open the highly polished door, and I'm just about to climb in, when I hear a loud grunt. I turn and see an Unneruffertine.
"Er... hi?" I say, nervously.
"Why did you do it?" growls the Unneruffertine.
Outraged, I scream, "Do what?"
The Unneruffertine looks offended, and then walks off. "How did you get this address?" I yell after him, "you STALKER!"
Shaking with anger, yet confused about what the hell he was saying, I slammed the door of the Legendary Pencil Car shut, and walked inside.

Jeff is awake, but he's as grumpy as a bear with a headache and nits. I'm not sure why. It can't be because I coated him in honey yesterday.
I walk into the lounge, to escape Jeff's miserableness. It's nice and quiet. And relaxing. And peaceful. And... zzzzzz.

I have another dream. I appear in the old shack that the two blobs were in.
"Ah, Hamish," says the jaunty one, James John Jude Geoff, "I see you've returned."
I look around for the second blob, but he's not here. I don't know what James is talking about.
But then, a disembodied voice speaks. "Yes. The Unneruffertine rebellion is about to begin. Three days from now, Jimmy will be dead."
"Jimmy?" asks James, "The donkey?"
"Yes," growls the voice, who I realise is the second blob, Hamish.
"NO BUTS!" bellows Hamish.
"He's a-"
"You're fired," whispers Hamish. James looks astonished.

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