"I was just really asking because you look a little upset."He said.

"If I was upset about anything it was that I had to hear about your birthday from Archie and not you Jug."I said and he sighed.

"Yeah well I didn't think you were an American Werewolf kind of girl"He said.

"Ooh that's where you're wrong Jughead Jones,I'm all about the beast within."I said taking another sip of my drink and making him smile.


When the movie ended we started walking to my house.

"Did you enjoy the movie?"I asked.

"Yeah."He said. "Mostly when you got scared."

"Ha ha."I said sarcastically.

He held my hand and I felt a warm sensation running through my body.

"Hey do you wanna stay for a bit?"I asked when we reached my house.

"Sure."He said.

I opened the door and all the lights were shut.

He started walking in smiling,but it faded away when I lit the lights to see  Veronica,Ethel,Kevin,Archie,Joaquin and Lili jumping and screaming SURPRISE!

Jughead chuckled "this is why we left the double feature."And I smiled at him.

Suddenly Archie hugged him "happy birthday bro"

"You really shouldn't have."Jug said hugging him back. "Ah,you're weak,are you drunk?"

Archie shook his head no,although he probably was.

Veronica walked towards us. "Feliz cumpleaños Torombolo"

"Thanks Veronica."Jughead said.

"Hey I wanna say sorry for everything and...

She kept talking to him while I walked to the kitchen to get the cake,it looked like a hamburger,I loved it.

"Hi Betty."Lili said smiling.

"Oh,hi."I fake smiled at her.

"Great party huh?"She asked.

I nodded grabbing the cake.

"Do you want me to help you with the cake?"She asked.

"No."I said. "I can do it"She nodded and walked back to the living room.

I got the cake from the table and heard Jughead asking for me making me smile.

I walked in and started singing. "Happy birthday to you,happy birthday to you,happy birthday dear Jughead,happy birthday to you."I could see his pupils grow in size as I got closer.

"That was haunting Betty."He whispered and I kissed his cheek.

"Blow the candles,make a wish."I said excited.

•TILL THE END•BUGHEAD•जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें