Ch. 6

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Its been a month since Hoshi forget about Kimi. I don't know why, but I feel better.

"(Y/n)? Are you busy now?" Someone patted my shoulder.

"Hm? No, I'm not, why?" I said but I don't turn around 'cause I know its Hoshi's hand that patted my shoulder.

"I want to ask something," then my body turn around.

"What is it?"

"You know, 1 month ago we tried to plans so I can get Kimi's heart"

"Y-yes, then?"

"When we talked about Kimi, your face looked different. Are you jealous (y/n)?"

"W-what?" I think I blushed when those words escape from his mouth.

"Don't lie to me! Just be honest, (y/n)."

"W-well, I'll be honest."

"So tell me the truth." He stared at me deeply.

"Y-yes, I'm jealous," when I said the last two words, he seemed surprise.

"But-" I cutted his words.

"Actually at first we're friends, right? Just friends. But as the time pass, I always worried about you. You made me worried when I asked you always said "I'm fine, no need to worried," I stop for a while and tears started to fall, "and that sentence calmed me down. You always made me flustered with your charms, you made me laughed because of your jokes and silly acts. I always have a great time with you. Finally I realized that.. that.."

"That what?"

"That I have feelings for you. Honestly, I'm jealous about your feelings towards Kimi. But for you, eventhough I'm jealous, eventhough I'm hurt, if the plans could make you happy, I'm fine with it. At first, I confused to help you or not. My heart said it would hurt my feelings, but my brain said its for your happiness so I should arrange the plans and my body followed what my brain said. Your happiness is my happiness, so-" he cut my words by a hug.

"Stop, please, stop. I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings, I'm so sorry (y/n). You should tell me before. If you tell me, maybe I will never fall for Kimi for the second time. But now I know your feelings. Please forgive me (y/n)," he said and comfort me with his hug.

"No Hoshi, is not your fault. Don't be sorry."

"So, would you like to have a date with me tomorrow?" He said and let go of me.

"W-what? What did you say before?" my eyes are widened because of his question.

"Would you like to have a date with me tomorrow?" He repeated his question.

"Hoshi, are you drunk?" I still disbelief his question.

"No, I'm not and hurry answer my question!"

"Y-yes, I would like to."

"Great! Now go to your room and take a rest! I'll see you tomorrow!"

I do what he said. I still feel like I was in my dream.

"Maybe before I should ask him to pinch me," I mumbled.

06.00am in my room

I wake up in a good mood because today would be my first date.

"Ah.. I'm so excited today! I'll just take a quick shower and maybe I should wear a comfy dress?" I chuckled.

I take a quick shower and ran to my closet and pick the dress.

"This would be great!" I said as I put on the dress, "I'm ready!"

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"This would be great!" I said as I put on the dress, "I'm ready!"

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