
My hearing slowly returned first, the creaking of wood and almost silent foortsteps flowed through my ears. Then, my scent came, blowing frigid fresh air into my already cold nose.

I shivered as the slight gush of wind seeped through my warm blanket.

I licked at my chapped lips, which tasted odd, as if some sort of medicine had been trickled through my lips and down my throat.

I finally cracked open my eyes, finding the bare roof of a wagon.

"You're awake," a quiet voice remarked from the other side of the wagon.

My eyes snapped to the source, and my head cocked slightly to the side.

"I... I want to.. to thank you," Aniko told me, fiddling with her fingers. "So, thank you for saving me."

I stared at her, a bit stunned.

"Do you need some water? I was just making some tea to pass out to everyone..." she trailed off, pouring a bit into a cup and handing it to me.

It was simple green tea, but it was warm and liquid, so I quickly sipped it down, my parched throat feeling much better. "I was just doing my job," I grumbled gruffly, moving to sit up a little.

However, a slight twinge in my stomach stopped me.

"I'm just going to hand these out. I'll get someone to come check on you," she muttered, lifting a tray up and sticking her head out the flap, handing the cups to someone.

She stepped back in, followed by Gia.

"Hey, Whisker. How are you doing?" he asked, crouching beside me.

"Pretty fine, though my stomach is a bit sore," I told him honestly.

"I'll fix that up for you," he smiled, and carefully set his hand over my stomach.

His hand glowed for a moment, and I felt a slight twinge.

"Thanks..." I murmured, sitting up straight.

"I'll be going back now, but a certain shinobi has been quite anxious to see you, so I'll send him in," he winked at me, a knowing look on his face as he disappeared out the back.

I sighed quietly, and braced my back against the wall, relaxing in my position.

Hm... How long have I been out for?

Someone leaped into the wagon,and speed-walked over to me, sitting down next to me.

"Are you feeling better?" Kakashi asked, his eyes scanning down to my stomach.

"I'm fine. Are you?" I asked, scanning him over in turn.

He laughed, "Perfect. you shouldn't even be worrying about me! You're the one who almost died on me."

"Key word, almost," I grinned up at him, winking.

He rolled his eyes and pulled me into a hug.

I found myself relaxing into him, happily retrieving some warmth.

After a few moments, he sighed, "I should get back out there..."

"K," I mumbled, not making a move to release him.

"I really should go now..." he sad again, amusement laced into his voice.

I pouted, and reluctantly let go, settling back into my corner.

"Have fun in the snow... Shove some in Shane's pants, would ya?" I asked, smiling slightly at the thought of Shane hopping around, squealing, as everyone laughed...

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now