Chapter 16: Caribou

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Two burly scavenger soldiers push a large boulder out of the way of the entrance of some large settlement that was behind the scavenger's kingdom. The structure was settled upon a large hill that seemed to look like a mountain. Moss clung in the shade of the ancient walls like a straggly beard. Three scavenger guards escorted him and Newt to the pyramid that reared hundreds feet above the rest of the city and the scavenger palace. Envy had his head craned upwards. The pyramid was one of the tallest structures Envy has ever seen-- it seemed to be taller than the NightWing palace. Newt looked miserable as they lead him towards the door like a dog. An icy mist constantly rose from his nostrils, and his escorts were always shivering while around him.

Envy couldn't tell if they feared Newt, or if they were shivering because of the frigid cold that always radiated off of the IceWing.

Envy moved his head back as he dug his talons into the concrete floor, yanking at the firm ropes that were wrapped around his snout. He grew nervous as he looked further into the dark opening. There were a few torches, but it barely lit the majority of the chamber, so many places in the cavern was filled with lurking shadows in almost every little space, shunning the dimly lit torches. The walls are crumbling. If Envy took the tip of his talon, he could dig at the softening mortar between the distressed bricks.

Envy flinched when he felt something pat his rear. He turned his head, looking behind him, and he spotted the other scavenger escort. He was trying to urge him forward.

Envy hoped that he wasn't walking into some fighting death pit or butchering session before he walked forward, slowly walking down the steps as the scavengers followed. Cold water splattered onto his scales and underbelly once Envy leaped down to the floor. His talons scraped against the rocky ground as Envy looked around. The walls are a grey brick, or perhaps they are another hue, but down here that's the way they look. It had an odor like a stagnant pond and rotting animals, and Envy's snout scrunched up. The temperature dropped the moment he entered the massive underground chamber, sending a violent chill down his spine. The light barely reached the walls and ceiling, confining vision to a small circle of flickering orange cast by the torch that was located in random areas of the catacomb.

Newt was sloshing through the inky black water that vanished into the shadows, lashing his tail. "My moons', I hate this so much," he complained. His voice echoed through the cavern. "All this-- dirty water! And its so freaking dark!"

Envy strained his ears to ignore Newt's grumbles and protesting, until he saw two large carcasses of elk laying on the drier part of the catacomb. Envy flicked his long, black tongue once he caught the smell of the blood. As instincts took over, he bolted over to the corpses, and the scavengers released their grip on the ropes before they were tugged with him. If he could have opened his mouth any wider he would have eaten the elk in one bite. As it was opening he took off a quarter of the elk in one massive chomp. He didn't eat politely like how an elegant, royal dragon feasts. No, he ate as if he's been starving, tearing at the meat harshly, even setting his claws on the ribs and bones and pushing down until it broke. It was like a dog-eat-dog situation with Newt so close. Every time Newt moved in his direction, Envy would flare his wings and hiss with warning, before dragging his food further away. Newt occasionally snatched a few tears of meat from Envy's carcass, but he was lucky that the prince was not in the mood for a fight.

Envy had suddenly heard a loud metallic clang, and he felt extra pounds weigh on his neck. Envy shoved the skeleton of the elk aside, looking at the puddles of water under his talons. In his reflection, an iron collar was snapped around his neck, bolted to the stony floor. The chain links were as big as the grown scavenger's fists. He was so distracted on eating his food that he never bothered to pay attention to his surroundings and see the scavengers chain him up.

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