Chapter 5

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When we arrived home, I found myself at the corner of my room, thinking. If Valeria was indeed alive, I wonder what she's been up to all these years. Was she alone? Were there others like her? All these questions flooded my mind, and all I could do was think about the possibilities that maybe someday, she could answer all these questions herself. Albert entered the room and jumped on his bed, while I still ignored him. In my peripheral view, I saw him look at me. He was silent; probably waiting for me to turn and face him, but I intended to fix my eyes at the ceiling of the room, as if I can find the answers up there. I was still pissed, and I didn't want to hear another insult from him, so I drew back my anger. I could almost see Albert watching me, as he was waiting for my full attention.

"So, how did you know her name?" he finally asked.

I wonder what made him ask. He just probably wanted to indulge me with my current obsession, so I would stop being pissed at him. I have to admit, it got my attention. I knew that he thinks my story was bullshit. He must be very bored, wanting someone to talk to him. I didn't respond to his question, he can wait. I closed my eyes to block him out, pretending that I was alone in the room. I was feeling great; I could almost grasp the solitude in my hands, until a pillow hit my face.

I grunted with anger, and then proceeded to throw the pillow back at him. He covered his face with another pillow, while choking in his laughter.

"What's wrong with you?" I yelled.

"Nothing! What's wrong with you?" he returned my question back.

I turned around to face the wall. I wanted him to know that I wasn't going to budge. No. Not again. Not this time. He is not going to get what he wants.

"Hey!" he called. "I'm sorry, okay?"

He's not the type that does something stupid, and then feels remorse afterwards. At least the Albert I knew wasn't, and I wasn't falling for it. I am not going to turn around and accept his apology. But knowing Albert, he wouldn't take no for an answer. Before I could finish my thought, he was already sitting on my bed, wobbling me like a toy. He was relentless. This is exactly a time I wanted to punch his face. But I knew in my right mind, that I couldn't. I turned around to scold him, but I was greeted with stupid funny faces. When he saw my face trying to hold an angry smug, he knew he won. My best friend was somehow crazy, and most of the time he's a tool. But the good thing about him was, he would try to cheer me up by doing stupid faces - It's hilarious. When we were kids, our mothers always told him that his faces looked cute, but since we were no longer kids – the sight of Albert making faces was disturbingly funny that I can't resist laughing at him.

I couldn't take it anymore. My face was about to explode with rage if I held on any longer. But then he did his funny faces, so I burst out laughing so hard. My anger turned to laughter real quick. Then I forgot why I was upset with him in the first place.


"So, what?" I retorted.

"Aren't you going to answer my question? How did you know her name was 'Valeria'?"

"Oh, that," I stared at him for a while. I just wanted to make sure that he was serious with his question, "It was the title of the second entry."

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