Chapter 2

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Once I had I washed my hands, I proceeded down to the dining room. I helped my friend Tonks set the table, although after she tripped the third time I just finished it myself. Dinner went on like it normally does at the headquarters for the Order if the Phoenix: Tonks morphed her face; the boys argued; Mungdungus was drunk; until Sirius started telling Harry about Order business.

My mum flipped out claiming Harry was too young to know seeing as he was underage. Sirius and my mum argued for a bit but Sirius won the right to tell Harry somethings.

"Okay, Harry can stay but the rest of you must go back upstairs," my mum said.

"What," yelled Fred and George.

"If Harry can listen so can I," Ron said.

"We're of age, we are staying" said George.

My mum sighed and shook her head. "Fine, Fred, George, you two my stay but the everyone else upstairs now," my mum was getting angry at this point.

"Mum, Harry just going to tell us anyway! Right, Harry?" Ron responded.

Harry nodded.

"Oh fine, Ron, Hermione, you can stay too, but Ginny you are going upstairs!" My mum was yelling now. I had an idea, but for the sake of being inconspicuous I protested. Mum wouldn't let up, as I knew she wouldn't and I went upstairs stamping my feet the entire way.

Once I was in my room, I went to my backpack and grabbed my wand and a few drachmas. Then, I sped to the adjoining bathroom. Once inside I spoke quietly while moving my wand, "Iridis appareat." The spell for creating a rainbow.


My father and Harry left early the next morning for the Ministry of Magic. My dad was going to work and Harry had his trial for underage wizardry in the presence of a muggle. Beside the slander being written about Harry and Dumbledore this summer, I doubt Harry will have a fair trial but I have faith in Professor Dumbledore.

A/N: this isn't finished but apparently I can't just save it here it has to be updated. I'm sorry! Also, sorry for being late!


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