Chapter 2, Oh no he's hot

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Sunlight poured in through the window of your tiny apartment, waking you from your peaceful sleep. It was a Monday morning and the last thing you wanted to do was to get up and go to work. With a tired groan you drag yourself out of bed and head off to the washroom to brush your teeth, today was going to be a long day.

You ate a bowl of cereal and packed yourself some food for lunch break, placing your little container into your backpack. The weather report said it was going to be sunny today, so there wouldn't be a need for a jacket.
Oh right- jacket
You look over to your coat rack and see Connor's jacket hanging amongst your overcoats and hoodies. Meeting him last night almost didn't feel real.

You grabbed it off from where it was hanging and neatly folded it to fit inside your backpack. Something told you it would be good to have it just incase. With that out of the way, you slipped on your shoes and and grabbed your wallet before locking your apartment door. Let's hope you didn't miss the bus again.

You made it to work just in time for your shift, walking in through the backdoor and setting your backpack aside. You worked as a waitress in a small restaurant nestled in the middle of town. Which was rare to see.

With the sudden increase of androids it was becoming harder and harder to find jobs. Androids did almost everything from picking up garbage, to community maintenance, to electrical work. Even small jobs like serving food as waiters and waitresses were taken up by the machines. So now begs the question; how come you're working a small job like this when and android could easily replace you? 

Truth is you were lucky to find this place. The owners of the restaurant had a stigma around androids, making it one of two locations in Detroit that still had human waiting staff. You put on your apron and name tag, tying up your hair so it wouldn't get in the way.
"Hey hot stuff, glad you could make it." Patrick said to you. He was a fellow coworker of yours, and he always made you feel uncomfortable.
"Please don't call me that..." you asked politely, trying to walk past him. He blocked your path.
"Hey now, we got time. I was thinking you and I could meet up later? Just the two of us~" his breath smelled like alcohol. But then again what was new?
"No thanks, my uh- mom wants me home early tonight" You made up an excuse.
"Cut the crap sweetheart, I know you live alone." That was enough to send a shiver down your spine. So he really did follow you home last week, you thought it was just your mind playing tricks. You would have questioned him, or maybe even told management, but you were too scared of what he would do to you if you said anything.

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence before your boss called out for you.
"(y/n)? Could you wipe off the tables?" You quickly push past Patrick with relief, causing him to scowl.

And so began your Monday morning at work.

Lunch break seemed to take forever but it finally arrived. It was the hour you looked forward to most during the day. An hour to yourself where you could go sit in the park and eat your lunch without having to worry about orders or coworkers.

You saw Patrick was still collecting dishes and you took it as your chance to zip to the back room and grab your backpack. You took off your apron and hung it on your little assigned hook before dashing out the back door. You were about to turn towards the park when you heard two voices near the front of the restaurant. 
"How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that-"
"My apologies Lieutenant. But it is difficult for me to analyze evidence using other means"
You knew that voice
"Connor?" You call out with a hopeful smile, running to the front.

Sure enough he was there, walking with Lieutenant Hank Anderson. You gasp in surprise, half out of being able to see Connor again and half out of being mere feet away from one of the most impactful people in DPD history. Hank had always been an idol of yours, ever since you heard he once became the youngest Lieutenant in the Detroit police force it inspired you to work harder to achieve your dream of being a detective yourself.

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