{23} - F*ck, he knows

Start from the beginning

"The red dragon will return at dawn" The moment he finishes his piece he immediately falls on his back. He looked at us with a face glistening with sweat adorned with a abashed smile.

"Conveying God's voice requires great spiritual energy."

"Quit acting so old, you pain" Yoon said, poking Ik-su's form. I sweatdropped at the two.

"Shouldn't you be helping him up?"

"I don't know anything about this God or dragon business but I'm not buying any of what this crackpot is selling." Hak commented darkly.

"He's not selling anything." Yoon and I answered in unison. We failed to deny Hak's claim to Ik-su being a crackpot though.

"...So is the 'red dragon' in the prophecy referring to the mythodical king, Hiryuu?" I asked, desperately trying to strike up conversation. We were staring at Yoon patching Ik-su up with wrapping that he, apparently, carries around everywhere.

"You are familiar with this kingdom's creation myth?" Ik-su asked me in surprise. I frowned at his tone. Does he know?

"... The red dragon God took a human form and descended from the heavens to rule a kingdom on earth. He was the first king, Hiryuu." Yona supplied, her eyes softening at the memory of being told the story time and time again. "My father used to tell me this story all the time."

"But once Hiryuu became human, he eventually had to fight them. The people's hearts where filled with evil. They forgot about their God and their countries fell into ruin. Even Hiryuu, himself, was caught by the greedy black hearted humans." Ik-su paused which added more effect to his story. "Just when all routes seemed bleak, four dragons descended down to earth. They pleaded and begged for Hiryuu to return to their world. Alas Hiryuu had a heart that held kindness and love that knew no bounds. Hiryuu still loved the humans despite their wrongdoings. The dragon gods had no choice but to respect his decision. The dragons loved their brother dearly so they offered 4 individuals blood that would grant them power. The dragons' representatives will serve Hiryuu until their death. One was granted claws that could tear apart virtually anything. The other was granted legs that could leap to the heavens, almost as if he were to fly. Another was granted eyes that could see from far and wide. The last was granted a body that was strong and impenetrable." 

"...The kingdom's creation myth... What does it have to do with me?" Yoon, Hak and I decided that standing was far too much work and took shade in the nearby foliage. Yona remained standing though, she was an attentive child.

"You said you wanted to live, right?" Ik-su said, taking a quick glance at Hak and I. 


"But you cannot live alone. If you leave this place, you will be put into a heap of danger once again. I'm afraid Hak nor Arisa will be able to handle that. Hak is heavily injured too."

"No! I don't want Arisa or Hak to die!"

"Oi! Don't kill me off just like that I-" I didn't even let Hak finish. I hit him in the stomach with just enough power to make him feel the greatest amount of pain without reopening his wounds. 

Hak clutched at his stomach in agony and glared at me. Yona looked at Hak with a complicated gaze and looked so forlorn. She truly just wishes to live in peace. In one whole piece. 

"You need allies."

"..but who?"

"The four dragon warriors of course!" I interjected. I jumped up and bounced in front of Yona. "What do you think is the reason he retold us the creation story?" I smiled mischievously.

"The dragon warriors...are..re..al?" Yona said slowly before jumping up and down in elation. She turned her star struck eyes at the blond priest and asked for confirmation, to which she received a nod. Yona and I squeal in unison for a couple of minutes before settling down.

"Yeah right. They are ju-"

"They exist. They simply went off into hiding in the forest, where no one would find them. They will lend you their strength." Ik-su's tone was sure. He talked as if he had seen these tribes with his very eyes.

"Priest, I do not want Hak or Arisa to die but I do not think the legendary dragon warriors would lend their divine powers to someone such as me."

"You miraculously survived that night, you miraculously escaped the castle and you miraculously survived the fall into the abyss. The heavens are willing you to come here. Have no fear, dear. If you find the 4 dragons then it is not only your wish but also God's will."


Hak and Yona went back to the hut accompanied by Yoon. Ik-su wanted me to stay. He patted the ground next to him, urging me to sit. I did as he wished. 

The sound of the roaring waterfall was only adding on to the deafening silence. We sat there for a whole minute or two before Ik-su decided to speak up.

"What's it like there?"





"What's it like in the other world?"

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