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We were walking home to Mollies place. Louis was chatting to Zayn, Liam was up ahead,and Niall was walking next to Mollie...but not saying a word,they were both just watching Armara be silly. I went to walk up to Liam and purposely nudged Nialls shoulder. "go on...say something!" I whispered in his ear as I carryed on walking towards LiLi.

"whatsupp?" he said smiling at me while he strolled causually hands in pockets. "nothing?why d'yo-" I was cutt off by a scream.

"OWW YOU FUCKING BASTARD OW OW OWWWW"it was Armara!! She tripped over a rock.

"EXCUSE ME YOUNG LADY WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Mollie asked kneeling down to her level,whilst we were all in hysterics. "I said 'ow you fu-" Mollie put her hand over her mouth to cut her off. Yeah okay thats what I thought. "Who-who t-told y-you t-hat?!" Niall Interupted as he was in fits of laughter. "Well wonse dew was a spidew in du kitcen and mommy seen it so see twyed to wun away fwom it and see twipped ovew someting and huwt her leg and dats what see sed!" she said with no ease.Mollie blushed tomato red. It made us laugh harder which is quite unbelievable to be quite honest. "a spider seriously..! I laughed. "uh sadly yes...but still shes 3 AND SHES SWEARING ALOT!" she tryed to sortof change the subject,we stopped laughing and started to stare at Armara who was staring at her mom with a hand on her hip. She started to giggle. "Yeah mommys wiewd one time see-" Mollie ran and scooped her over her shoulder and started to tickle her. We laughed then came to an abrupt stop as we felt our ribs were going to burst.


"Nice save Mol" Niall giggled,I felt sparks shoot right throuh me,I shoved them off and just smiled. "Comeon It will be tea time by the time we get back!" I said carrying on walking with Armara on my Hip.

****BACK HOME****


We finally got back to my apartment,I settled Armara down as she ran straight to Niall and Louis and Liam Harry and Zayn just sat down on the sofa and switched on the settee. "Make yourself at home boys" they looked at me then burt out laughing. "comeon I'm no that funny?" I said. "No seriosuly did you just here Arms?" asked Zayn "oh god what did he say?" I asked frightened of what I might here! "she..she said that Niall looks good in the red lipstick" he managed to get out inveterate fits of laughter. I shook my head. "tuna and sweet corn pasta?" I asked them. "mm yes please" they all chorused. I walked to the kitchen,why was life so perfect right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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