We turned the corner and finally reached the top of the staircase that led down to the huge room.Sir Zayn was standing at the bottom of the stairs and when he saw us awkwardly standing at the top he cleared his voice ready to speak.

Everyone became quiet and the music's volume faded away.

"Everyone please welcome, the one and only Master Harry." Sir Zayn's voice echoed and I watched amazed as everyone nodded their heads in a smooth welcoming. It was all so unreal to watch.

Harry brought me in closer to his side as we both took the first step down on the stairs. Everyone stayed quiet the entire time, which made everything even more awkward. I felt everyone's eyes burning into us and I even saw some leaning in and whispering into each other's ears.

I grabbed onto Harry's hand for comfort and he glanced down at me with a small grin on his face.

A long dragging silence and thirty plus stairs later we reached the bottom and as if on cue the music began playing loud again and everyone's small voices grew.

"How is everything Malik?" Harry turns to ask Zayn.

"Wonderful. Everything is placed perfectly. Our chairs and table are set up in it's normal spot. All the slaves corroborated very well in decorating and everyone is really pleased with the set up. What drink would you like to start off with?"

"Champagne for now. Two glasses." His voice comes out harsh and I scowl at him for acting so rude.

Zayn quickly glances at me before nodding his head and running over to the bar set up in the corner.

Without warning Master Harry pulls me in his path to a long stretched table with five chairs set up behind them. The one set in the middle was the biggest, which I'm guessing was Harry's. Sir Niall was sitting to the right of Harry's chair and next to him was Sir Liam.

I still wonder what Harry did to Liam after he got so pissed off when he saw the welt he left on me. The two chairs on the left side were unoccupied and I wondered who they were set up for. As we reached the middle chair both Niall and Liam's heads turned to looks at us.

"Master." Niall breaths before nodding his head and taking a sip of the drink in his hand. I feel eyes burning into me and I looked to Liam. Sure enough he was glaring at me which caused chills to creep on my skin. He looked pissed off, but I quickly looked down at my feet to avoid his stare.

Harry pulls his chair out enough for him to slip in just as Zayn popped up with two champagne glasses.

He leaves with another nod and quickly makes his way across the room to a large couch where many people are crowded around.

I look up to Harry and he let's go of my arm before taking a seat on his chair. I awkwardly stand next to him before looking down at my dress and smoothing it out.

"What are you doing?" Harry questions and I look up to meet his questioning face.

"Smoothing out my dre..."

"Sit." He cuts me off with a spitted demand and I look beside me before grabbing the empty chair next to Harry. As I went to sit, Harry pulled me away from it and closer to his side.

"Here." I freeze as he points his finger to his lap.

I hesitate and don't move my legs. My knees feel locked up and my hands start to tremble.

"Isn't that kinda inappropriate, yah know in a way, kinda." I stutter and he grabs my arm before harshly throwing me on top of him.

I stumble and move my legs to a more comfortable situation making me squished to the left side of him. Harry huffs in frustration before placing a hand behind my back and under my legs. He quickly picks me up and throws my body over his lap and keeps my back up straight with his arm.

I loose my breath again for what seems like the millionth time tonight as he places his massive hand on my thigh. I look around and see everyone eyeing us, but when I look back to Harry, it seems as if he doesn't notice or care.

I feel a small chill on my leg where his hand is placed. I look down and notice a few rings around his slender fingers. He looks up to me and then to his hand.

"Like them?" He asks as I run the tip of my finger along one of the large silver ones.

"Yeah, I've always admired rings. I've never had one though." I scrunch my nose and remove my touch from his hand.

"Why not?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Nobody's ever gotten me one."

I tried shifting in Harry's lap, but he tightened his grip around my body, holding me in place.

Instead of throwing a fit I decided to distract myself by scooping the room.

Luke's familiar dirty blonde hair gathers my attention first. He's standing with Natalie, holding the side of her waist while they both take a shot from the bar. Len isn't standing by them and I look around, but I don't see her anywhere.

On my search of eyeing where Len is, my vision narrows on Mads who is standing next to a tall man who's red eyes don't fail to show as he looks at Mads. They each have a drink in their hands and both are laughing like little children. She is changed out of her dirty attire and is set in a peach, long dress. Her hair was taken out of it's bun that it was in earlier and now rests on her back in large curls.

She looks over her shoulder and waves as she sees me. I smile back, but it starts to fade as I feel Harry's hand slowly start to guide up my thigh.

I look down and watch as it moves up and then back down. My heart jumps to my throat while my eyes stay glued to his gliding hand.

His head was turned to the side bringing his full attention to Niall. They were mumbling about something but I couldn't think enough to listen to what they were talking about.

Too soon he was making bigger strokes and reached the short hem of my dress. I couldn't bare the feeling any longer. I don't know if I was freaked out because he was touching me like this or if it was because in the pit of my stomach I kind of liked it.

"Master, I'm going to get a drink." I say which caused his hand to stop at my knee.

"You have a drink." The burning feeling on my skin was gone as he lifted his hand off of me to point to the champagne on the table in front of us.

"I want a different one. I don't like champagne." I lied. I've never even had champagne before. To be honest, I've never had alcohol in my life, but I needed an excuse now.

"Niall." Harry growled. "Go get Ellie a different drink."

Without hesitation Niall started to stand up from his chair, "Yes, Sir."

"No." I screeched too loud making some heads turn to look at me. Both Master and Sir Niall looked at me like I was crazy, but I ignored it and opened my mouth again. "Please, I can do it myself. I have to use the bathroom anyways."

Niall placed himself back in the chair as I began to slide down Master Harry's lap till my feet were wobbly on the floor. I straightened my balance before turning around to make my way around the chairs and table. A hand caught mine before I could and my body spun around hitting Harry's arm.

He grabbed both of my arms and brung me into his chest before staring down at me with angry eyes. "Don't make me regret letting you go by yourself." He threatened and I gulped before nodding my head.

He narrowed his eyes and I coughed up a "Yes, Sir." I rushed to free myself from his grip and quickly made my way over to the bar.

This is a really bad place to stop it, but I haven't updated in the longest time, so yeah! This is only just the beginning of the party... We've only just begun loves! VOTE! COMMENT! LOVE YOU! :)

Next chapter is going to have more communicating with the other characters and more party shizz

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