The Past(Tay)

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There will be time skips cause im lazy and i have writers block


School was a lil hard and annoying, but I wouldn't have gotten through it without my niggas Tay and Jay, I really love them niggas.

Yea we know
Ian gay bro so just stop
Yea aii

But anyway, it's finally summer and imma be home feeling bored as hell only cause Jay going to summer camp but I still got Tay even though he might act a lil gay

I don't mind gay people it's just I don't want a nigga touchin on me knowing damn well imma straight line

You sure are
Shut up Nugget
Aii im sorry damn

I hit Tay up like five minutes ago and he is on his way.

~Time skip to 20 mins after tay arrived~


Right now me and Mir are just chilling playing GTA while drinking koolaid and eating pizza

"Yo bro pass me another slice of pizza." Mir asked "Nicholas didn't I tell yo uncooked noodle lookin ass ian yo maid." I said

"Ok but Taymor didn't I tell yo rat faced ass to never call me Nicholas." He said mugging the fuck outta me

"I don't recall." I say passing him a slice of extra cheese pizza. "Whateva nigga, thanks for passing me the pizza though." He said

~Another time skip sorry~


Me and Tay are in my room watching tv when there is a knock on my door when I went downstairs opened it

I didn't expect to see Jay standing in front of me wit 4 suitcases, a duffle bag, and a regular bookbag

"Hey Jay I thought you left for summer camp." "I'm leaving now I just wanted to say later to you and Tay but he wasn't home."

(Tay and Jay became friends at the first meeting but something happens)

"Tay is upstairs, TAY JAY IS HERE TO SAY LATER." I yell

After 5 seconds he came jogging downstairs and walked to the door then hugged Jay "Imma see you later bro have a safe ride and no cursing at old people on the way there." "I can't make no promises bro, but Imma see y'all soon my momma waitin."

"Aii bro." Me and Tay say at the same time as Jay daps us up and walks away.

I close the door then walk upstairs waiting for Tay slow ass to hurry up so we can finish watching the last season of the boondocks.

~Timeskip next day bc I'm lazy~


It is 8am and Nahmir still sleep nd I'm just sitting here admiring him if you think I like him you are right.

Nigga we ain think we knew you liked him
Shut-yo-ass-UP                                                                                                                                                             Who the fuc-

Anywaaays I like Mir but I think Jay does too(y'all prolly gon hate me but this is part of the reason Tay and Jay don't like each other nomo)and I don't think I wanna share Mir especially wit a body like his

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