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POV Jonah

"NO! I hate her" I immediately regretted what I said. I saw Hanna crying in Jack's arms. He's such a good brother and I, I can't even say the truth. I'm such a bad person.
why did I do this, I ruined my chance with her and all the boys are super disappointed. How will I ever make up to this.
Daniel took her upstairs. The other boys did something else, but Zach, he came up to me.
"hey Jo. why- why did you say that bro? that's really messed up" I looked at the ground so I wouldn't make any eyecontact with him.
"I know and I shouldn't have said it... I- I just don't know how to say that I actually really like her"
I stood up, walking towards the glass door.
I opened it and walked outside, going to sit down on a rock. Zachary followed me and sat down beside me.
"talk" he said after we said nothing for a while. (see what I did there)
"about? Hanna? no thanks" "well, why not. there's gotta be a reason why you're acting like this dude"
"well I don't know. maybe it's just love. but if it's that, I don't want it" I stood up and looked in the water of the pool.
"hey, Jonah. don't be like this, we all know you're a good guy" Daniel came outside too.
"BUT I BLEW MY CHANCE WITH HER" I know I'm overreacting with everything know but I just have such strong feelings that I don't know how to control them.
"I'm sorry. I- you- she." I let out a breath I was holding. "she probably hates me by now." I said calmly, my voice getting softer and the sound dying at the end.

Daniel threw an arm around my shoulders and said "no she doesn't. She's just shocked and confused... we all were actually. but you can apologize and try at least"
and he was right. I should just do it but how. we all know I'm not good with words.
"okay, so do you know where she is right now?" I asked him.
"uh, she just left to go to the skate park with Jack." I looked behind and saw the front door closing. "so when should I talk to her?" "I don't know but I would do it as soon as possible though." He honestly said.

Zach's phone rang which is very rare so Daniel and I gave each other a confused look. He picked up after seeing who it was but then he walked away. Why can't we know who it is... strange.
"what's he doing?" Daniel whispered. "I have no idea but I don't think he's up to something good." I shared with the blue-eyed boy next to me.

POV Hanna
"so show me what you can do" Jack said once we arrived at the park. "uhh, hehe, the only thing I can do is fall..." I said scratching the back of my head. "c'mon it's can't be that bad. can it?"
"yeah it can. look" I said stepping up the board. I put my foot on the ground to go further. I skated 2 meters and then I last balance, as always, and feel with my face on the ground.
Jack ran up to me helping me to sit. "oh, holy cow, Hanna, is everything alright?!" He asked concerned. I just started laughing. "I- ooh- I'm fine. this happens all the time and I'm used to falling since I'm super clumsy" I said while my laughter died towards the end of the sentence.
"oh god, c'mon I'll help you balancing. I'll hold you, okay" I just nodded and we stood up, taking the board and trying again. this time with his help of course.

It didn't go quite as well as we thought it would go but we did it, kind of. Of course we fell but you only learn by trying over and over again.
after what felt like hours I got it and found balance. I even could do a little trick he taught me.
I really wanted to go down a little ramp but Noodle suggested I should go down the biggest one there is. He said, go big or don't.

So here I'm standing at the top of the tallest one there was. "It's gonna be fine, believe me. you can do it" I took a deep breath and went down. As I was 'skating' I felt I was losing my balance again.
I got it back but then I fell really hard on my left arm.
"ouch, Jack help!" I yelled from the pain I had. It really hurt so bad. He came up to me and looked at my arm. I saw it wasn't in such a good state. my eyes started watering.
"it reminds me of the boy's arm from IT, when he fell through the ceiling" J said. I giggled but stopped quickly when he grabbed my arm to feel how it was.
"yep, we need to take you to the hospital" he said with a little voice, pretending he was a doctor or something. "Goof" I said and pushed him soft on his chest with my right arm.

As I stood up, Jack took the boards and called Corbyn.
"Yo Corbs." I heard as I started walking towards him. "We are heading towards the hospital, I think Hanna broke her arm."
"no it'll be fine. it's just broken, nothing super bad happened."
"k, see you there"

"So Corbyn will go to the hospital, waiting for us. When we're there he'll take care of you. In the meantime I will go drop this of, okay?" Jack explained as we started walking to the building. I just nodded not saying a word.
Since Jack walked on my right side I took his hand in mine.
"I'm happy you found me Jack" I looked him in the eyes and smiled softly.
"I'm happy too, but it's my fault you broke your arm" he said looking down.
"hey, we're not even sure if it's broken yet. and besides, because of you, I can skate a little" I turned to him and gave him a hug. and again he gave me a kiss on the top of my head.
he's such a good brother to me. it's different than my 'fake' brother. He didn't really care that much about me, okay, he was always there for me but not like he was protective over me like Jack.

We finally arrived and Corbyn already stood there, he walked up to me. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked looking all worried. "yeah it's okay. It's better then when I fell." I honestly told him.
We walked inside and NoodlePoodle was heading home.

"Hello, with what can I help you?" the lady behind the counter asked. "I fell with my skateboard and we think that my arm is broken"
"okay, you may wait for a doctor in the wait room over there" she pointed towards a little corner with a few chairs. no one was there so I guess they'll help me soon. "okay, thank you ma'am" Corbyn said and we sat down.

~skip to when her arm was checked and stuff~

"okay" the doctor clears his throat "so, you're arm is indeed broken. you need to wear this cast for 6 weeks" he said looking at some files.
"okay, uhm, can I go into the water with this, or?" I asked because I've never wore this before. yes, I've never broken a bone. "no, unfortunatly you can't, you will have to put a plastic bag or something around it." He explained. "Okay, thank you very much." I said and wanted to walk away but before I got out he said "You need to come back in 6 weeks so we can take it off and check it" I nodded and then went out of the room.
Corbyn came up to me since he waited outside. "and?"
"I need to wear it for 6 weeks and then I need to return."
"okay, just what we expected. right?" I hummed a yes.

"omg, hanhan, what happened?!" Daniel asked once we came home.
"I fell of the board since Jack said I should go of the biggest ramp there was." I told him how I fell and how everything actually went perfect before it.

Jonah came up to me.
"hey, can we, uhm, maybe talk?" He asked scratching his neck and lookin down.
"sure." "in private, is that okay?" "yeah"
he led me to the pool where we sat down with out feet in the water.
just at that moment Zach came back from, I don't know where. but he had this huge smile on his face and had his cute rosy cheeks we all adore.

so here another chapter... after a while I know, I know it took long. please don't shoot me.
I wrote this with the help of none other than my mom.😂
okay only the plot but still.

so what do you think Zach is up to huh?
and what is Jonah going to tell Hanna?

Something Different ft. Jonah MaraisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant