Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

I went to the play room to find Nikki play fighting with Ben as the girls played nicely, for once, and Madeline held Erik.

Nikki and Mad helped me feed the kids and bathe them so they would get sleepy. Tonight was not a night that I wanted them up late. I felt nervous enough just to be there that I didn't want the kids distracting me.

Nikki rocked on the chair, watching the kids sleep when I finally put down Erik. The necklace spilled out of my shirt when I bent down to put him in the crib.

"That's not one I've seen often." She stared at the stone.

I tucked it back into the shirt, getting it out of sight. "Yeah, it's that special one."

Nikki blinked a few times. "From the witch?"

I gave a nod. "The very one."

"I'm surprised Mikko would hand that back over." She sounded surprised when she got up from the chair.

"I was too when he recommended I wear it while he's gone."

Nikki smiled slightly as we left the kid's room. Normally I would've closed the door, but I wanted to keep an eye on them tonight.

"Things seem to be getting better on that front."

I looked over at my best friend. The distance had put a strain on our relationship, I felt like we weren't as close as we had been, and I missed her. "We were able to clear the air a bit."

She eyed me a minute. "I heard you marked him."

I gave what probably looked like a very sad smile. "Yeah, my wolf did, and I didn't stop her."

"Is that something you wanted?"

I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. "I don't even really know what I'm doing anymore. I feel like I don't know all the rules or what I'm even supposed to be doing. There are so many feelings and so much guilt that I have just randomly popping up that I don't know what to do with. I don't know how to cope with it by myself." I didn't want to cry, but a few tears of sadness and frustration escaped my eye.

Nikki crossed the distance between us and gave me a hug. "You're going to be okay. I'm here for you whenever you need to talk and Mikko's being an ass. And Mikko's there to beat on if you need some anger management."

I let out a short laugh. We both sunk to the ground, leaning against each other, talking and watching the triplets.

It was a good time to have my best friend with me.


I had never been so grateful to have her by my side then when it all went sideways. There felt like massive amounts of traffic going on in my head all of a sudden.

While I was stunned in confusion, Nikki was on high alert, instantly on her feet and looking towards the massive bay window at the end of the hallway.

I stumbled up as the words flew around in my head, jumbled together, unintelligible to me.

Then for a second, my thoughts cleared, and Mikko was in my head.

"He's there. Use the necklace if you lay eyes on him. We'll be there as fast as we can."

Then he was gone, focusing on getting home. I shook my head. All three Madill men were away from home, distracted when they needed to be here.

I heard growls from outside and the sounds of what was probably fighting.

"He's here Nikki."

She nodded and pulled out a silver loaded gun. "There are more here than just him."

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