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The tEa
Help me!!

If you want me to sew up your pillows again because tessa got a little excited you better think again.

The tEa
That was one time!
And anyways
My laptop broke and I really need to send an email off to my friend in Portugal

You can send emails from your phone and why don't you have his number if your friends?

The tEa
Ok I'll level with you.

Oh boy

The tEa
It was a lie. I just wanted an excuse to hand out with you

And you didn't just ask?

The tEa
Zip ur lips
I'll be there in five

Bring Harrison

The tEa

I need to give him his shoes back
He left them at my house yesterday

The tEa
How did he leave them
Did he just walk out barefoot

Idk I don't stare at his feet

The tEa
Knock knock

Lol someone just knocked on the door

The tEa
You idiot 😂


"You are seriously stupid sometimes." Tom said as he took his shoes off.

"At least I don't text 'knock knock'" I retorted. "Seriously, who does that?"

"I do." He replied and lifted his head up, giving me a toothy grin. Rolling my eyes, I went over to the closet and brought out a pair of scuffed trainers with mud soaked laces. I turned to Harrison and held them at least 2 feet away from my face.

"Here you go," I said to him. We both grimaced at the sight of them. "I don't know how they smell that bad. I tried using some deodorant on them but it wouldn't work."

He hesitantly took the shoes from me with a look of disgust.

We were sitting on the island table, eating my infamous grilled cheese sandwiches. Tom and Harrison mumbling to each other about how good the sandwiches were.

"Look at this picture of Daya." Tom said randomly and leant over the table to show me his phone. He then pulled back after I responded with 'she's so hot'.

"Hey Ab, why don't you get an Instagram account?" Harrison said.

"I don't know how." I admitted and hung my head to hide my embarrassed face. The two boys sighed and rolled their eyes before Tom reached over and picked my phone up from the table.

He entered the password and began downloaded the app.

"What do you want as the user name, Abs?" Tom said behind the phone as he opened the app. I frowned at the nickname, I liked Abbey and Ab buts not Abs.

"No, it's Abigail." I said.

"You sure?" He asked looking up from my phone and I nodded in response. He shrugged and continued typing. He then slid the phone back to me.

"You named my profile 'no it's Abigail?'"

F O L L O W E D - T O M  H O L L A N Dحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن