part II | "What do I do?"

Start from the beginning

"Calm down, man," Hunk laughed. "It was just an idea, nobody said your soulmate was a hundred percent going to be a guy."

"I know, but, it's embarrassing to think that-"

"Wait are you homophobic?" Hunk looked a little shocked.

"What? No! I'd be embarrassed that I'd looked past half the population for the past 17 years of my life."

"You scared me there, bud. You know I have a problem with people hating each other and intolerance."

"I still feel like it's a girl, though. I just don't know how to figure it out."

"Guess you gotta kiss every girl you meet," Hunk joked.

Lance laughed and lightly punched Hunk on the shoulder.

"Ha, I wish," Lance was still laughing in-between words.

"Um, actually," Lance was visibly nervous. "Can we, just, make sure we aren't soulmates? Like the quickest peck, just to see."

Lance knew he was nervous, but it wasn't because he liked Hunk, he was just scared of his reaction. He genuinely just wanted to make sure Hunk wasn't his soulmate, just to cross off a few possibilities.

"Okay, sure," Hunk said. "Just make it quick and platonic so it's not weird."

They both braced themselves and leaned towards each other. They barely brushed lips and pulled away. It was possibly the least romantic kiss anyone could've executed.

Lance anxiously looked down at his wrist while they both held their breath. They waited a few seconds until the conclusion was clear. They weren't soulmates.

"Whew," Lance exhaled. "I was scared for a second there."

"At least we know we're nothing more than friends, and I'm totally fine with that."

"Would it be weird to do, that, with everyone else on board?"

"All the ones from Earth?"

"Yeah, I want to erase the possibility of any of us being my soulmate."

"You can definitely try, if you need someone to back you up and explain I can help."

"I think I might, maybe if I get enough courage to ask. It is very, very, very weird request, even if I do have a good reason."


"Okay so Hunk, Pidge, and Shiro are out of the way," Lance counted on his fingers, talking to himself. "Three awkward, platonic kisses and, thank god, no colorful hearts. That leaves on more person from Earth-"

He looked down and blushed heavily.

"No way! I can't do it!" Lance whisper-yelled at himself. His foot dangled off the edge of his bed and his opposite leg was tucked underneath him. He couldn't help but imagine the situation. He expected to be disgusted by the hypothetical situation but he felt more embarrassed than anything. His face warmed as he let himself play out the situation in his head.

He felt almost guilty for letting himself replay the situation in his head over and over again. No one except himself would know, but even that was enough to embarrass him to no end. The part that made him most flustered was that he actually liked the idea of kissing Keith, he just hadn't quite figured that part out yet. Over and over, as if stuck on a loop, he played out different scenarios, all ending with him and Keith kissing. He tried to relax and let himself enjoy his private thoughts for a while, knowing he'd probably forget it when he woke up the next day, but all the emotions and confusion behind it made it hard to enjoy it. He quickly prayed that he would forget it all in the morning, as he had read an article back on Earth about people forgetting things they experienced just before they fell asleep. He let himself think aloud a little more before trying to get some rest.

"How would I even ask him? He would never accept my explanation, he hates the idea of soulmates. Besides, it's a lose-lose situation, either i'm Keith's soulmate, or we kiss for no reason," Lance rambled. "But I'm curious and I want to be sure it's no one on board. What do I do?"

His face flushed once more before he pulled the covers over his head and tried to get some sleep, his mind numb and yet racing with thoughts of finding his soulmate.


so i wrote a chapter. nice.

give me some time, don't rush me guys, mk

tbh i like writing this more than trapped oh well

the thing about forgetting things you did/said/thought right before bed is true to an extent lol. like there's studies and stuff

so like i know this can be a bit confusing but in a l l honesty this is just me throwing klance ideas into the world. aka it's written for the sake of myself. that may seem selfish but it would be even more selfish to not spend all this time writing it down and continuing it for y'all to read sooooo

also i do spend time and effort on this stuff, even if i don't update often. it's currently 1 am right now as i'm writing this so just try to understand that putting out quality work is a lot harder than it seems

i'm basically doing 1000 word essays every week or so for no reason except to satisfy people i've never met so idk maybe try to appreciate that and not leave rude comments and stuff

also just like vote and share this story, the more people that read this, the more motivation i have. like, if i know there are a ton of people out there waiting for me to update it'll make me want to write, to make you guys happy. i already know what's gonna happen, so all i write is for you guys

i love you all~
-dani <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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