Night Mission

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I sat down on my bed absentmindedly tracing lines between the freckles that covered my legs like stars in the sky. I couldn't wait. My parents were about to go out for dinner. I could go exploring in the nearby woods again! Climbing to my feet I made my way across to the large window above my bed. Streaks of blazing gold and intense vermilion filled the sky. Not long now.

"Gracie! We're leaving now, honey," I heard my mother call. Filled with anticipation, I dashed downstairs to my parents. My father looked suspicious, "What are you up to? There's a mischievous glint in that little eye of yours." I smiled innocently, "You know I'm as good as gold." My mother laughed, pulling me into a tight hug. "Too good to be true if you ask me. Remember, bed at eight."

Like that was going to happen.

Waving, I watched as our car left the driveway. They wouldn't be back now until the morning. Perfect. I turned around as soon as they were gone determined to leave as soon as possible. I grabbed a torch and opened the door. After first locking the door I hid the keys under a bush. If I were to lose them, my parents would know I'd been out. I'd never have another chance like this again. Picking up my bike from the lawn, I was soon on my way. Most children would be terrified, alone in the dark, no sound except from the occasional howl of a dog but I loved it!
I lent my bike against a tall tree at the edge of the woods and flicked on my torch. I set off, humming as I went. This was so exciting. I'd only been here once before and that was almost a whole month ago, so there was plenty of exploring to do. I checked my watch - it was eight o'clock. I smirked. I was so not in bed. I carried on for while before realising how unusually tired I felt. Deciding to rest for a while I settled down against a tree and set an alarm on my watch to wake me at midnight.

I awoke and went to turn my alarm off but soon realised that it wasn't my watch that had woke me up. "Who's there?" I shone the torch all around looking for any glimpse of life. I heard a rustling in the bushes and low growl confirmed it wasn't my imagination. Turning around I found myself face to face with two human-like beasts. I whipped around and ran as if my life depended on it - which I suppose it did. Charging towards a tree I hoisted myself up, but not before I felt a pair of fangs sink into my leg. I looked down at the bite as blood poured down my leg. The wound would be cursed to stay there forever as a reminder - a reminder of tonight.

The night I became a werewolf.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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