"Robin, are you embarrassed?"

"No, what makes you say that?"

"My interpretation was that most guys who do hair are...effeminate."

Could she be any blunter? "Typically, yes...but I'm only doing this for you. I don't expect to make a career out of it."


"Job, make money off of it."

"My apologizes, Robin. I was not aware that I was to pay you."

"No no! Heaven’s sake, I won't let you pay me! I think I'm messing this up anyways."

"I do not think you are messing anything up. Just as long as you try your hardest, I'm sure it'll look great."

Robin greatly envied Star's optimism. Then again, that's what made her such an important part of the team.

He had finished. "Here Star, take a look and tell me what you think," he handed her the small hand held mirror.

She took it and turned her head...other side...bright smile. "Oh Robin, you have done a glorious job! Please, may I return the favor by doing the styling of your hair?"

This time he could think correctly, and before he said something he regretted, he squeaked out, "Sorry Star. I have a lot of hair gel in; you wouldn't be able to do anything with it."

Instead of being upset, she was merely curious. "What is this hair gel?"

"It's what holds the spikes in place," he explained. She reached out and touched one of the spikes, then tugged on it.

"It's hard like plastic," she stated.

"It's so it stays out of the way in a fight."

"Maybe I should put this hair gel to keep my hair 'out of the way'."

"It might just be easier for you to pull it back into a ponytail or braid or whatever." His heart was dropping as he said this; he loved Star's long flowing locks.

"I should think that my hair does not often bother me in a fight. I like to feel the wind through it as I move."

"That's why I wear a cape." Robin smiled back. By this time, he had moved to sit down next to her. She leaned her head against his shoulder and, in turn, he blushed.

"Robin, can we always be like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"The Titans, our team. Will we always be like this?"

"As long as I lead us, I’ll make sure we will."

"Will you always be our leader?"

"Well Star, I'm only human. There may come a time when I can no longer lead."

"But you will try?"

"Yes, and that won't be for a very long time."

"And you and I shall never be more?"

"m-more?" he breathed. Her eyes drew him closer and he knew what he had to do. He had to show her just how much he cared for her.

Whooooooo! The alarm rang.

"Trouble..." he said sadly. The moment was lost, but could be regained later. They hurried down to the common room together.

"What's up?" Robin demanded as they entered.

"Plasmas. Looks like he's confused the sewage plant with a bar."

"Alright, Titans, Go!" They sprang into action. Within five minutes they were piled into the T-car and speeding off to the edge of town.

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