Tag Book: #1

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I was just tagged by @Sukaretto_, and decided to make a whole new book to compensate for it! :D 

I can't stop myself. T.T 

Anywho, here's 20 facts about moi (for all those who may be interested), and two jokes that find absolutely hilarious. 

#1: Let's go basic - I am left-handed! *waves with right hand* Hello everyone. 

#2: I'm gonna take a card out of Sukaretto's tagbook and say, my first name starts with an "A" (Don't sue me, Suka! I'm sorry ToT) 

#3: My dream job(s) is to be an animator (for my own Spider-Man cartoon), a writer (cause, dude, the voices aren't shutting up!), a comic book writer/artist (:3), and - for the ultimate dream job - (emphasis on the dream part) a full-time fanfiction writer who gets paid for writing fanfiction without the threat of being sued for all I have! :D 

#4: Spider-Man has always been my favorite superhero, since, forever. The superhero movies I was first introduced to was the old Superman movies and Raimi Spider-Man movies. 

#5: I hate Superman. Maybe it's PTSD from the hours of watching Superman defeat every villain and fawn over the irritating damsel Lois Lane. Or maybe he was just never my cup of Krypton-imported tea. *shrug* * Who knows? *sips from teacup* 

#6: *wheezing* Ughhhh, which one am I on? 6? How much did I need again? *squints at screen* TWENTY! Oi, I'm gonna get finger cramps. *sigh* Okay. What to say for number 6...uh.....6 is my 2nd favorite number.....Tada.

#7: 7 is my 1st favorite number! XD (But that mostly has something to do with the Percy Jackson series)

#8: Let's go a bit more personal (cause I'm feeling daring today!). I'm a Mormon! *grins, gesturing to sentence* Eh? Eh? 

#9: That means I have two mothers! :3 And a very large family. (*cough 15 kids cough*) 

#10: I'm the middle child! :'D ....LucKy mE......   (Oh look, halfway done with the questions!) 

#11: Random fact that everyone probably sympathizes with: I HATE writing essays. I hate em! I hate em! I hate em! I hate em! *stomps feet on ground and flails arms* 

#12: I milk cows! Or, I DID milk cows. My brother has recently taken over the job! *fist pump* No more waking up at the 5:30 for this gal! 

#13: Now I wake up at 7:00 :D :D :D :D :D 

#14: I love swinging. Like, I LOOOOOOVVVEEE swinging. And I'm creepy about it, too. If you ever look out your window at 10:00 at night and see a kid swinging on the neighbor's swingset, staring out into nothing and perhaps grinning wildly... it's me. It's all me. 

#15: *sweat* *wheezing* 5 more to go. Come on, five more to go! Okay, okay, okay, I have a dog! She's a hound dawg. Her name is Persephone, but I call her Percy. She's a stinker. 

#16: I have a bunch of keychains on my backpack that jingle when I walk! So if you're ever alone, and you hear a soft jingle coming up behind you.... sigue caminando  <--- put in google translate (and tell me what it says so I know is translated right XD) 

#17: I'm single, but that MIGHT be coming to an end soon...I don't know...I'm bad at relationship stuff....

#18: I wanna go to college, not to get a diploma, but to gain experience points! (*I wanna know what really goes on at college) 

#19: I never swear. Like, as a person, I hate swearing and have never done it (SWEARING IN FICS DOESN'T COUNT, DIANA!) 

#20: Ah-hahahaha *rubs hands together* Last one, it's got to be something good. Okay, okay, here it is..

*leans in*


I'm a USM fanatic. Boom. *mic drop* You all couldn't have known that, right? 

WHOO! Questions are done! Whoo-dee-do-da! 

Here's are two jokes I find hilarious. 

1: What type of gun kills planets? 

       A revolver.    (BWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!! XD XD) 

2: What do you call Spider-Man when he's flipping and twisting around buildings? 

       Peter Parkour

Annnnnnnd that conclude this tag. Thank you everyone for joining us, gift bags are under you're seat (don't ask what they are, I don't know), and we'll see you next time! 

Here are the select few whom I tag (warning: you don't have to do it, but it would be fun) 









That's all folks! <3 

 - OfficialUSMWriter signing out! 

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